
Lazy, hamhanded, weird political sense, it's like the show has turned into the latest seasons South Park.


Yeah, it does, you can chase down a teenage boy in the dead of night, and when he defends himself you can kill him, that's just one that made the media, the same is true all over.

I dunno, are people allowed to gun down teenagers because they feel "threatened"?

Pfff, how naive, Albuquerque police entered the yard of an unarmed man with a broom and shot him to death, in the back, they shot him in the BACK.


See? Someone out there will justify it, attempted murder with use of fire - a felony at every level and utterly illegal to use no matter the authority - is justified by the suspect being armed.

"Hawley confirmed that, if the series is renewed for a second season, it will be a new story featuring different characters."

"How did Gus get away with just shooting an unarmed and injured man? I
don’t want him to wind up in jail or anything, but everybody seemed
awfully relaxed about the whole thing"

I consider misanthropy lower than malice, he doesn't just dislike everyone, he wants to cause each and every one of them harm, most specifically self harm, he delights in their suffering and will use any tool he sees fit to cause it.

A much more astute observation.

…Still very down on ascribing low-intellect, knuckledragging misogyny to Malvo, it's like you're trying to force a square peg in a round hole for total lack of imagination, he's primal evil, not Sean Hannity, for fuck sake. That said I'm not the least bit surprised you completely missed his pie compliment, a very curt

I wondered if the next season would change the name to "Peep", but that would be awful, so I'm rooting for POTUS.

McGruder being removed/leaving definitely lowered the show's IQ to below average.

I'm almost moved to think the pollen crumbles represent commitment, but then being a mindless drone to a queen would be marriage.

I hope for no such thing, nor is there any chance of that happening, which is why this is fantasy.

"but to me, the death and the time jump involve the biggest level of risk"

I'm calling you a retard for saying that, I'm saying it's sexist to demand that a man be a stereotype to appeal to that kind of woman.

You act as if there's a gun to her head, and you keep objectifying her, the sexism gushes forth from your fingertips.

That would be the opposite of conforming to gender norms, imbecile. Sorry.