
Honestly I think the knee-jerk reaction is “DISTRACTED DRIVING” until you actually think about it. This will be used at night... presumably late at night... when the roads are NOT highly congested. Congestion helps keep you awake too. The big worry here isn’t another driver rear-ending a stopped vehicle. Quite

Right, the cannibalism stuff is the salacious aspect of it; the accusations of rape and abuse probably the ones more worth focusing on overall.

No, he’s definitely fucking stupid. You can be this stupid if you can just throw money at your problems in this country. He literally never learns anything because he doesn’t have to. 

Covered up in the garage 360 days out of the year is their pride and joy, which is one of only 547 built on a Tuesday in the middle of August by a man named One-Eyed George and one of ONLY 219 with these EXACT options. It was appraised by Racist Bob Collector Car Appraisals 5 years ago at $375,000 and they will never

It’s without fail the Corvette, then their other car is some “luxurious” GM abortion that they take to church like a late 2000s Buick Lucerne (because Toyotas are “crap”):

Even still, he managed to find employment selling timeshares in the Cayman Islands

I get so tired of the, “oh, this is so unprecedented. Whatever shall we do?”

You know, I think Trump is genuinely evil in the most Edenic sense, like making other people legally guilty for the shit he pulls. (Hence the expulsion from Eden.) The thing the DNC has always misunderstood about Trump is he’s not actually stupid, the same way Hitler wasn’t stupid. He’s clawing his way through

I’m sure that Harlan Crowe has some money for him.

Also, he’s against democracy.

On the side if we’re lucky. I’m not ruling out “in steel cages behind a hidden door in his basement.”

I wonder why he wants to defund the IRS....

Given his rabid homophobia my bet is that he’s got a boy (or two) on the side, and is hiding all his assets from his wife, when the news comes out and the marriage implodes. 

My reading was that the Daily Beast had that take because they have no hard evidence (yet) of him lying, but wanted to write a big profile on the fact that this makes no sense.

It is all in his church. Sorry...”church.”

According to the bombshell report, Johnson “has never reported a checking or savings account in his name, nor in the name of his wife or any of his children,” and nor does he disclose any assets or stocks.

Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.

So he’s laundering money. 

and binge-watched “astounding hours of TV shows” while on the job.