
those are speed ridges.

it can house 4 european adults. it can house 1.5 american adults.

that’s the secret handyman way to do it

yikers. put your LP tank in your trunk or just take it out of the vehicle when you stop for long periods.

either some indoctrinated scabs that don’t understand fuck all, or it was 3 ford execs using their rivals vehicles.

Did a Ford exec design this?

This is automotive journalism now?

Say it loud

the app definitely won’t be data mining or spying on you AT ALL

i bet that bitch pig asks rape victims what they were wearing and that they deserved it because of what they were wearing.

i hope the rich neighbour likes having dead kids.

their job is to serve and protect the rich, white people. that’s what they were created for.

except for the fact that it was reported on and the ellen mosk ball gargler’s harassed her

i will give another look tonight, maybe i was flailing too much

i was noodlin around there last night and couldn’t find it anymore.

magic puddle is gone now. i raided it before the patch, though, on my second playthrough

it’s graphically superior to GTAV but didn’t bring in the cash like gta

“i’m anti-establishment!” waddles over to the establishment.

a piece of shit will always be a piece of shit.

priests are useless