calm tf down, just because you can’t see the benefits, which are great, doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time. pull your head out of your ass for once.
calm tf down, just because you can’t see the benefits, which are great, doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time. pull your head out of your ass for once.
this exercises a bit of critical thinking. it’s perfect for kids.
no cop, no lawyer and alcoholic, no priest.
so this dickless wimp is a “big man” only when he has a gun. put him down.
sovereign citizens are fuckin retarded
the immaturity of amerikkka’s dumbest bitch is astounding.
i restarted anyway. now that i know what to do and all. i made my own “Beast” Dr. Hank McCoy. and i love that the robot calls me Captain McCoy
don’t they have a closeted, single person that cries openly on tv over their orange cunt going to jail?
these are the sick mother fuckers that can’t get a job anywhere else, so they become cops
good. now to defund all the police and enact a JUST system.
Serenity looks pretty great
it makes them easier to scan
I did attempt it, now it looks like stan’s future cyborg from American Dad. Blue and gold.
i have to restart because i leveled up incorrectly.
Did this quest on the weekend... not worth it.
she is just trailer trash that got lucky. in no way is she talented.
there should be big, big, big, BIG fines for unsecured loads. it’s a potential death waiting to happen.
the bearing covers on my old T-Bird flew off but at least they didn’t kill people
absolutely zero