
And from ACME.

Here in Sweden we are looking to have "Fiber for All". Transfer caps was more or less removed a couple of years ago. Even if I charge my cellphones (dont know what its called in the States but in Sweden its "Cashcard", like no subscription) with like 20$ I get 1 months "Free Surf" with 10Mbps. And soon our 4G net

Don´t you ever say that these douchbags plays Death Metal again

If not rich, at least comfortable. The 2009 U.S. median household income is around $50k.

Yeah, until you get shot in the face.

A pile of fecal matter puts AA3 to shame.

Because in the video he says that the physics aren´t entirely physically correct and that they are working on it. He should have heard that if he would have had the sound on...

Didn't you have any sound on?

You deserve it. It really is a masterpiece with the way you captured all the little details.

Yep might do some modding myself. Longtime member of here.

You do know that 5850 is kinda outdated right? Sold my two XFX 5850 Black Edition Crossfire setup for two ASUS GTX 580 DirectCU II instead.

So does it make the game hmm how should I put it... less crappy?

Will be available on XboxLive-arcade according to their homepage.

Yes but not for free if you havent pre-ordered it.

Bah, Bowling is a complete douche and looks like one too.

You made something even PETA wants to kill.

Yep The Haunted is awesome, hated their latest album though =(

Yeah I watched GT´s feed last year and Gamespot´s were pretty decent too.

I´m ready!
