
Bah. I can conjure up some names for them, like:

Ah sry, in Sweden that is. When they restarted the series they didnt do it in Sweden. It can be found in various sites but it costs a smaller fortune =(

I love The Darkness. I mean I want to have it babies-love it. Got mad as f*ck when they canceled the comic. But here it is once more my beloved Darkness. It sure has it ways life.

Luckily there are multiple levels of protection to get to the sensitive information. The SecureID tag gets you access to the network, but beyond that, each data base, drawing system, company website, etc. requires a username and password. Plus, finding the information you need is tough even for the people who work

SpaceShipOne and Two are both suborbital spacecraft so they don't get anywhere near the ISS. It would require a larger vehicle with more powerful engines so maybe they'll get to an orbital spacecraft sometime in the future.

Homeworld! ... I was horrible at that game. Battlestar is awesome too!


Make it stop... please.

Oh come on!!!

Unnecessary info: =)

BF3 will not meet or exceed Call of Duty, it plays in a completely other league.

From Community manager Cry-Adam over at

Who the hell is Collin McGrath?? Are you talking about the RALLY legend Colin Mcrae?

That video really need the Benny Hill song

Sure daily lift tickets in Michigan will be less but it's a lot less "mountain". Though, if cost is the only criteria for judging a ski hill, we might as well look at a whole season. The "Colorado Pass" is $420 which is good at 3 different mountains (5 really but with restrictions), or the Boyne Gold pass for $620...

"Strangely without iOS support"...? I don't suppose Apple really wants to make it easier for Amazon to get a head start in cloud based streaming music.

When did a ski trip to Michigan or Wisconsin become good or great?

Heh. Started writing a reply asking you if you were a bit... erhm... slow, then I just had to read your comment again just to be sure you didnt pull some smartassiness on me and yeah... here we are. Turns out I´m the slow one =)

System Specs: Intel i7 @ 3.4 GHz, 8 GB memory, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, running on an SSD at 1280X1024