
Being in middle school when American Idiot came out was terrible. The Bush hating was fun, but that album is not a fucking rock opera. If albums can be rock operas based on a collective theme of whining, then Good Charlotte deserves a few Broadway shows.

I wish it was funnier, but that's usually what the comment section is for anyway.

Does the Chewbacca action figure make the sounds of Chewbacca mom wallowing that her 15 seconds of fame are over? If not, count me out.

Yea. Series finale was last week. I don't mean to suggest it secretly was cancelled. It just looks like it probably would have been either after this season or the next one anyway. Looks like he saved the TV Land execs from a tough decision somewhere down the road.

Sarah Paulson's resume should come in handy when the Huffington Post does its article on how sexist the internet is when the Ocean's Eight trailer inevitably fails to draw universal acclaim.

The Gaffigans seem to be going through a lot of trouble to explain how this show wasn't cancelled even though no one watched it and the networks didn't fight them on ending it.

It's certainly the most memorable thing from that debate. Not really sure how much it helped him.

The Court vacancy is frequently used as a reason by both sides to support their candidates. On the GOP side, I find this hilarious since Republican presidents have a long and storied track record of picking liberal justices by accident.

I have no realistic projections for best or worst case scenarios for either candidate. Russia seems pretty embolden as it is.

I'm pretty skeptical of the Clinton Foundation and how she's taken 50 million from Wall Street so far. Does that make me a freak?

Agreed. It's hardly the only issue.

Right because Gerald Ford and both Bushes were really great at picking conservative justices. The only reason the court sits at 4-4 right now is because of the GOP's screw ups. Forgive me if I'm not interested in seeing the Supreme Court used as a scare tactic.

I agree with that. I don't think she should lose security clearance for life either, but I don't think she should be put in a position that gives her anymore. She does not have a right to elected office.

You don't need a chant. You just need to point out the obvious: Hillary should not be trusted with classified information. Bernie chose not only to not do that, but to also suggest that the American people were tired of hearing about a pretty serious offense that much of the media ignored anyway.

I guess the difference is that I think Trump is probably less of a risk in the Oval Office eating taco bowls while he tweets about cable news pundits than Hillary, who owes a lot of favors to a lot of people.

Could be. I just remember sitting there watching it and how I started to question how badly Bernie wanted to win. He was in a tough position since the Senate Dems could strip him of committee appointments, but that was a really ill advised gaffe on his part.

That's from Bernie supporters, who also got maligned as "Bernie Bros" by the media as if any politician at the national level doesn't have a single offensive internet commenter as a supporter.

I can't for the life of me understand why he said "The people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails" at that debate. It's one thing to not want to go there as a politician, but to fully exonerate her like that and pretend that it isn't an issue that people do actually care about seemed bizarre.

Some of them probably feel that way too. I haven't fully decided who I'm voting for yet, but leaning toward Stein since I'm registered in CT which despite the Trump campaign's statements is not really a battleground state. I'm not a Bernie or Bust by any means, but I've been pretty pissed with them since they rigged

Kind of. I don't really care if the Seth Meyers of the world pull their punches, but Oliver has developed this reputation as having hard hitting show that takes on stuff that no one else touches. It makes me care about him less to see him ignore such a obvious recipient. It's not their job to shield us from nonsense