
Yes. The first two seasons aren't as good, but they're important to the series' broader mythology. DS9 is the only Trek I'm really passionate about. The characters all grow so much through the series, even recurring ones.

Canada could use a good tailor right about now. The Obsidian Order would crack through this regional code like they were encrypted Taco Bell receipts from Weyoun and the Female Changeling.

I can blame him

Good, our first museum of the day.

If I were Neil Young, I'd think it's funny that Trump is using a song that protested Bush 41's presidency given the orange man's run ins with the Bush family.

Poor Walter. Never got to be part of the trainwreck.

This is the worst day of Fat Neil's life since Pierce rubbed his balls with his sword.

This is my favorite HateSong ever.

I was at Coachella last weekend and as strange as it is to say, I'm really glad I went then instead of now. Can't imagine the mood there right now.

I love period dramas, but my god was that one a bore.

I'm pretty sure Wolf Hall got a Peabody because no one wanted to admit they slept through the whole thing.

I didn't hate it, but it's not that great either.

Fair on Ratatouille, but I don't think it gets quite the same "OMG this is perfect" praise that the other ones you mentioned get.

Scripted shows rarely win multiple Peabody's.

It was pretty amazing, though most of us in the crowd had no idea that the celebrity cameos weren't actually there.

Netflix' selection really isn't that great if that's all you have/watch a ton of TV. You can easily watch all the originals you're interested in (not Fuller House or that shitty Will Arnett show) in a month.

I think 2010 is worth watching just to see the resolution that a Kubrick movie couldn't and shouldn't have provided. All things considered, Clarke did a decent job on the sequel book.

Dune is pretty unfilmable. That Sci-Fi miniseries was okay, but it's just not a story that's meant to be absorbed in one or two sittings.

I had a debate here last year with a guy who said that piracy was helpful to Hannibal's global recognition. Not very helpful apparently!

I honestly didn't think LAX was that bad. If anything, it should've stuck around so Community could've made jokes about it that more than 5 people would understand.