
As Trump might say, glad!

Bizarre vote of confidence for a show that will take at least a year and a half to even attempt to rebound from a horrible second season.

I recently came out as a transwoman and also kept my birth name. It's not as big an issue for some people as you'd think.

That's nothing you should hear him play piano.

I'm not sure teaming up to defeat a larger enemy is really all that central a theme. Where we stand now, the powers in King's Landing have absolutely no idea about the White Walkers/don't give a shit about the Wall. Getting someone besides the depleted forces to help is more of a priority. There's no need for a "we

Hardhome's action was great, but I hated how they used the lazy "I know we've been enemies forever but now we have to team up to fight this bigger guy" trope. Easily my least favorite of the battle only episodes.

Not in any significant way really, which was a shame but the show had also only aired two episodes. They never really figured out the role of the DA investigators. I don't remember much from that show other than Kirk Acevedo's character being really annoying. It's hard to say if an all trial L&O could have ever

The "bourne" is pretty muted. More like bern that born, and you kinda barely say the r sound.

One of the first things I noticed when I got to Melbourne for a semester abroad was how much the people loved to mock Americans for their pronunciation of the city. The way Matt said it, emphasizing the "born" in Melbourne, was probably intentional since Eccleston is British, but I was hoping someone would give him

To be fair to the orange man, he has gone on tangents at rallies about how environmental regulations took away his favorite hairspray. He's been pretty forward about how he keeps the tribble glued on.

Just to play devil's advocate, the voice work Sideshow Bob wouldn't have taken very long. If he was all coked out he could have forgotten, or eventually fallen asleep in the studio. Doesn't make a good story for the ghost writer.

I've been kind of bummed that I didn't get a ticket this year, but New Order being scheduled at the same time as Kendrick Lamar makes that easier. Very odd decision.

The funny thing about this situation is that O'Reilly was jealous of Megyn Kelly's rise and pleased to see her go, but her departure established just how replaceable Fox stars are. Tucker Carlson's ratings are often just as good, even without his stupid bowtie. Murdoch knows a cheaper and less perverted blowhard will

I thought it was a clever way to acknowledge Shosh's absence, but the "we weren't showing her just to show how annoying it feels to be cut out of someone's life" excuse seems like a bit of a stretch.

Six seasons is long for Showtime? Somebody tell that to Dexter when he's finished chopping wood. I'm sure Fiona will join him in a couple years.

I heard there's a new hotel in DC that serves well done steaks. Could be a good place to get a room, if you don't mind reverse peepholes. You know if you're famous, they let you look inside.

You're right. My mouth is watering for some Trump steaks. Better call the Sharper Image for a takeout order. Hope they have catsup!

No, but you're welcome to try and keep suggesting that I love the orange man. It'll probably make me like Trump as much as Silverman yelling at the Bernie crowd convinced them to support Hillary.

I accept 0 blame for Trump and was never in the Bernie or Bust camp.

Bernie was not totally still winning the primary anywhere close to the time of the DNC primary. I'm not really defending their actions either and I'm not particularly outraged that the DNC took actions to tip the scale against a challenger who's a registered independent. The problem is that the Bernie supporters were