
In July days after the dump? I'm not defending the decision not to vote for her, especially after Bernie got all those concessions on the party platform, but you don't convince people who had a right to be angry by telling them that they're being ridiculous. I would have just let them cause the ruckus and not said

I like Sarah Silverman, but her "Bernie supporters you are being ridiculous" nonsense at the DNC makes it unlikely I'll tune in to watch her talk more about politics. There was a right way to make that argument, but her timing was quite poor after the Wikileaks dump. That's the kind of behavior that caused people to

Weird use of Kobayashi Maru in the article. That reference would work if referring to Hannah having no potential scenario in which she could explain the news to Elijah without him freaking out, but not really to describe his unpredictable whirlwind of emotions. That also was hardly a no win scenario as Elijah found

I didn't love much of season 7, but the finale made me tear up. I enjoy all the other Treks to varying degrees, but DS9 is the only one I have any strong emotional attachment to. The depth of every single character on that show, plus many of the supporting cast, is unbelievable.

I thought Genisys was perfectly serviceable as a mindless action movie and didn't think it was any worse than T3, which made a profit and garnered more critical support than it probably deserved (which isn't saying much at all).

That's one person, who also refused to take back any of the things he said about him.

Not sure how out of context her statement was. Just ridiculously stupid.

Ever heard of NeverTrump? That wasn't a liberal movement.

I don't think comedians should talk about Trump, not because they shouldn't talk about politics. It's just not very funny.

People who frequent websites like this wouldn't tune in just for Macy, but his presence certainly had a broader impact like a person seeing an ad on the side of the bus and thinking, "there's that guy from Fargo. I'll check that show out." Macy does get undue credit for being that figure that pops up on the award

That one is my favorite Friday the 13th movie. There's something comforting about the "fuck it let's just do it space" mentality. Also a fan of Freddy vs. Jason and wish the series had continued doing absurd gimmicks rather than a cheap remake.

While I think Emmy Rossum deserves to be paid for being the lead, I really hate the way the narrative is framed as wanting back compensation for Macy being paid more. That's really not how business works.

Who's scruffy looking?

I wish I'd known about this. I wrote a book of clown erotica that I would have submitted.

I used to wish Showgirls would be shown on the midnight movie circuit like the Room, but that could lead to complicated synchronized group activities.

Billy Bob Thorton's explanation of that My Little Pony story arc is way more articulate than most celebrity interviews I've read. Scary shit.

Loved Maggie. I actually thought Terminator: Genisys got a bad rap. It was stupid, but far more entertaining that it had any business being and Schwarzengger deserves credit for being able to look like a semi-credible action hero.

Arnold backed Kasich in the primary and stayed pretty quiet until he put out that message from the article even though he's the next host of Celebrity Apprentice.

It's funny you mention that. Both of them have made tons of crappy movies as of late, but I don't hold it against Arnie since he wasn't in the Godfather Part II or a hundred Scorsese movies.