
My biggest problem with it was him though. His character was annoying and unfunny.

These ads annoy me during Justified and I had a roommate in college who thought 1600 Penn was hilarious who I hope to never speak to again, but Josh Gad was funny on New Girl so I think I'll give this a shot.

The Casual Vacancy?

I pretty much only played Vice City when I was younger and then I bought it again off the PSN for PS3. I liked the story, even though I skipped half the cutscenes.

I want to see him in the adaptation of Vice City, also known as the remake of Scarface.

Eat slugs coppers, *pulls out chainsaw, escapes in flying car after six star wanted level*

I was going to praise Taylor for making a song that wasn't about/didn't mention ex boyfriends with "Style" but apparently that's about Harry Styles so thank god for fact checking!

I've tried. Aside from Gob's episodes, I just don't find it to be that interesting or entertaining.

Agreed. I'm glad they came back, but I spent much of the half hour long episodes wondering why they couldn't just make a couple that were actually funny.

I hope all the Bluths can be together for more than 5 minutes. Season 4 sucked.

I'm angry at my publisher right now for handling a release poorly. I wonder if Earl wants to commiserate over a volcano bag.

Anyone else think that it's hardly in violation of South side bro code for Lip to tell Kevin that as a grown man with children not currently enrolled in university to find somewhere else to live?

True, but it's not really interesting to watch.

Empire explores it more from the Lucius/Jamal angle, especially with the flashback they've shown on Lucius being violent with a young Jamal for dressing like a girl. Empire just rehashes the father hates his son for being gay plot device that's been done too many times.

The writing is what kills it for me. The cast has a lot of talent, but I just can't tune in for the predictable ho-hum nonsense that comes at every corner.

I liked Empire for about 4 episodes. Fox constantly calling it an "event" didn't really help. I'm glad they've explored rap artist's fears of coming out of the closet and parent's disapprovals of mixed race marriages though. In the year 2015, that's really cutting edge social commentary.

I saw Dean Winters at a Broadway show a couple years back and told him sorry about Cyril. I think he was thrilled that someone knew him for something other than Mayhem.

I can't be the only person who gets high and watches old Thomas episodes with Ringo Starr. I'm sure Ringo does too.

Coach has worked better this season than last, but I can't say I'll miss him that much. Wayans is great, but his character just doesn't mesh that well with the show.

Strong finale. It's been fun rolling my eyes with you guys the past two years.