
Parenthood has been more awful than not for the past two seasons. If it weren't for Todd's review last year, I probably would have given up.

I loathed Cloud Atlas for being bloated and incoherent, but I'm really looking forward to Jupiter Ascending. Even if it's crap, at least it's something different. That said, really hoping Sean Bean dies in it. Some things shouldn't change.

The Iron Maiden beer is actually pretty good. I got a couple bottles for my dad for Christmas.

I actually don't have many complaints. Kristina is a big hypocrite but we knew that already. Where has Berto been this season? Chasing cashew butter somewhere else?

I agree, it's just annoying that the builder in the family wasn't mentioned at all. Parenthood's continuity is quite shaky at times.

Do you have a contact e-mail? I see you're in school. Would love to see if you're interested in reviewing my book about college life.

Yea it's made responding to the "Simpsons hasn't been funny in a decade" argument much more fun. So has the fact that a decade ago was season 16.

I'm sure its probably in some sort of contract that they can't just air the old ones, but they do mix it up quite well.

I love the random Simpsons feature on FXX now. Sometimes you get a stinker, but if you're half in the bag there's worse things to watch than a newer one. Family Guy's last couple years have changed my perspective on The Simpsons a lot.

I'll miss these more than I'll more the show. Stay in touch?

Anyone else think this episode was vastly superior to last weeks, which I felt was quite undeserving of the high praise? Despite rehashing Crobsy's selfishness in once again making his brother stay in an unprofitable business of course.

I thought Joe was pretty good. Probably not Best Actor worthy, but it made me less depressed that I saw The Wicker Man in theaters. But time also heals all wounds supposedly.

Sorry, I should have read up on which payoffs for rape are legal and which aren't and then should have checked with Fake Chinese Robert Plant before commenting. I'll do that next time.

I asked if I was recent. I knew about the payoffs/past stuff. A simple no would have been nice. So you are rude, but this is the internet so neither you nor I care. I can understand how my question made me look like I knew nothing about the past settlements, but you're still rude. And this is still the internet so

The guy in charge of the payouts has reportedly identified himself so it's not that vague. Might be hard to prove, but someone has seemed to locate it.

It's actually pretty difficult to find on Google, even in articles that have a thorough timeline. Of all the things to chastise somebody for not knowing, this is hardly one of them. Google "bill cosby settlement" and see what comes up. I asked a simple question.

Was that recent or before all this happened?

I don't know enough about that to really formulate an opinion.

Yes, but aren't payoffs illegal? There's supposedly a paper trail of all that. And is every single case beyond the statute? And there's civil court. Why is this not being investigated at all? No one has brought anything against him in court since this started.

He must have missed the canned laughter from his show since TV Land took it away.