
The show has one of the weirdest seasonal episode breakdowns of any network show ever. No other show has done 13, 22, 18, 15, 22, and then 13 like that, not even shows that were on during the writer's strike.

It wasn't a very long review, though I'm not really sure why there's so much praise in the comments section.

I wasn't nuts about this episode. The Hank/Sarah plot line has been severely weakened by the amount of time given to Hank's ex/daughter.

The camera was kind to her in a couple shots I saw and then there were a couple that made me cringe.

Buy my book!

Kate Gosselin and Jamie Anderson actually looked like they were doing real work with those pies. Gosselin's secret ingredient was the umbilical fluid from one of her 1,000 kids.

Keshia was a classic first person fired. She had no idea what she was doing and raised a meager sum on a fundraising task. By this point in the show's history, it's ridiculous that someone could be that bad at this game.

Hardly. Though I read the American Gods' short story that's in Legends II last month. Quite good. Thank you.

I won't try to say that Nemesis is good, but I don't hate it anymore than the rest of the crappy Trek films. Which seems to be most of them.

Thanks. I'm about to start writing my next book and I read comics during the process as to not be influenced by the format.

Apparently no one cared who he was after he put on the mask.

Can someone tell me what Suicide Squad book to get to start the series? I tried looking on Amazon but there was so much clutter.

Ugh. How will he balance work and family with such a high profile job?

Typical AV Club to put Broad City so high. But right on point with Hannibal at #1.

That plump man looks like Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family. Needless to say, this is the best thing that's happened to white people since Modern Family itself.

I really wanted to like this one as most of USA's offerings are kind of bland now.

Kroll grew up a couple towns away from mine. His dad is quite wealthy, though my town is wealthier than his. I also have a book I wrote. Where does that factor in to tv shows and piles on money? Asteroids do not concern me admiral, I want that ship.

I'm struggling to think of something funny to say, which means I'm a perfect fit for their writing staff. Nick Kroll and I can bond over having come from privileged families!

R.I.P. Redmond. Just as his character was starting to show some depth.

Transparent would've been better without that horrible creature from Girls, but it was entertaining.