
Haters gonna hate, but I intend to throughly enjoy Nepotism Live with Brian Williams' daughter and Christopher Walken.

No. More like economics, but I disagree with their interpretation of them.

I wonder how much money this is costing Netflix and why that money wasn't redirected to original programming?

I live on the CT/NY border and neither Costco close to me in either state sells hard liquor. I've been tempted by their beer, but it really isn't much cheaper than the other brands.

You're right. I get more enjoyment out of the $1.50 hot dog and soda (with refill), that a lifetime of TSwift songs. Even if it gave me diarrhea.

Shake it Off is completely ruined by the middle part where she makes the obligatory mention of ex boyfriends. How can you take the title of that song seriously when this woman's career is made up of her angst towards men who rejected her?

You're doing good work with tired material.

I hated that movie so much that I won't even write out the title. You did forget Coward in it though.

Was the sugar comment from the absentee parent really necessary? Was anyone properly concerned by the ramifications that the principal's son is allowed to roam the halls harassing whoever he wants while the other kids slave away in the kitchen?

If there's one man to pull it off, it's Don Draper. Or Betty White.

Maybe give him one of those vape pens so he looks cool?

What about Brandanawhateverhisnameis? Did his film career ever take off? Everyone knows that you have to leave Parks and Rec to have one of thoseā€¦

Eh, I'd rather just finger Nearly Headless Nick's throat region instead.

You don't want 50 shades of Ravenclaw? I'm sure she's into some kinky wizard shit.

Psh, Muggle studies. Eat slugs Cal State!

I'm looking forward to the finals. I've had doubts as to how Collins will hold up against other top players. There's no denying her talent, but her streak was aided a lot from fellow contestants who also got FJs wrong, though Collins rarely got a DD wrong.

I enjoyed this immensely.

I missed the convention so I don't think that's going to happen. Tragic.

Netflix needs to move away from this sort of stuff. Other networks' scraps are not where the stew lies, unless you have broth and a potato.

I read Bukowski and drank single malt while wrapped on in the Hello Kitty blanket. Not far off, minus the breathing mask and the daddy issues.