
I just bought a Hello Kitty blanket at Costco for 13 bucks. It's huge, comfortable, and allows me to experience the joy of Hello Kitty without permanent tattoos or anything else that goes on at that dreadful place.

Crosby definitely does not deserve Braverman of the Week for having the lamest pot dialogue that the year 2014 will likely provide.

The politics of streaming services would be more interesting than season 2 of House of Cards. Can we get HBO GO for PS4? No, only PS3, but Crackle is a go!

They should just make Hamlet 3 instead and splice it with stage footage from Hoffman in Along Came Polly. As dumb as that movie was, PSH was killer in it.

Can I plug my book on your thread? No? Well I will anyway.

Those disgusting sounds she makes while Sir Mix-a-Lot plays in the background gives my ears diarrhea. Truly repulsive creature.

Yawn. Though I got to meet Keith David once sine he's friends with my acting teacher. This is the indifferent timeline.

Not going to lie, I have a pretty big man crush on James Spader.

It's actually exactly how I pictured him to look when his kid gives him a drawing from art class. Or if a puppy licked his face.

His Blue Steel is sorely lacking in that picture, though I'd be pissed too if I was a one trick pony. The Newsroom is one of the biggest pieces of shit on television and I'm glad HBO stopped trying to spray febreeze on it.

I wanted to bash Drew and praise Hank halfway through the episode, but then it reversed.

A reviewer of my book on amazon compared my protagonist to Kotter, which was over 12 years before I was even born. But that was kind of neat.

Why don't they just go to Dagobah? Yoda's little hut is cuter than the Bloodraven's creepy hole.

I try to view it as Treme with Vampires. Both have uninteresting characters and hard to follow plots.

Yea and that's a perfect case for why Amber doesn't currently deserve a raise.

I really want to like this show, but it's not letting me. Coming home on Friday nights to the lineup of Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, Battlestar, and for a time Andromeda/Enterprise on my Tivo was a good way to end the night and enjoy Saturday mornings. But this show isn't very good so far.

I miss your Parenthood reviews. Those got me through season 5, though the most recent episode was pretty good.

Has there ever been a Christina storyline that wasn't completely over the top and then immediately cast aside for the next big thing or forgotten?

I don't think they're that far along in the relationship. Though I find it hard to believe that two adults in Berkley are surviving on the profits from a photography studio. Hank would have to own the building and Drew would have to get money from some fairy because he has no job and I doubt his student loans are

Because money is of no object unless it's relevant to the plot. Then it's only sort of ignored, like Nora.