Rev Les Crowley

“States rights” is just code for racism and oppression. 

Most suppliers understand they will need to provide service parts for a period following the end of production, so it’s unlikely suppliers destroyed the tooling. If Lamborghini however was planning on reworking their existing Aventador equipment and tooling to modify it for the new car, the changes may be irreversible

You kid but the fact is that these guys are not going to be stopped unless it’s in a very final way. They’ve already show that they’ll flat out ignore the will of the people and undermine the democracy that got them their power in pursuit of their fascist goals.

I mean with stuff like this it’s inevitable bc there will be more “mongrel” children. The kind of people against birth control are also against white women procreating with the “wrong” kind of person

Because the alternative to ‘action’ is to watch the situation grow worse at an increased pace. It is possible, however unlikely, that the regressives can still be defeated with finality, but ONLY through means more persistent then their own. I, myself, lack the social acumen to handle a stint in public office, but

That’s the optimal scenario: careful analysis of the specific details of each candidate’s expressly-stated campaign planks balanced against their previous policy record and their documented donor-sources, leading each individual to choose which candidate they will support, regardless of party affiliation.

So everyone in conservative states will be working their asses off to make sure these people don’t get elected by working for their opponents, right? Even if that means working for a Democratic candidate you don’t 100% agree with, but at least agree on more with than the Republican candidates, right?

Yes and no. CCP leaders are known pragmatists, and it’s something The Party preach at the fundamental level. If this involved national sovereignty issues like Tibet or Taiwan, then yeah screw the economy.

That’s what I’m waiting on. It’s coming. 

I wonder which GOP fuck will publicly say that Loving v Virginia was incorrectly ruled and marriage between the races should be a state’s rights issue? Because we all know it’s coming — and probably before the 2024 election.

This is what I intend to buy once my Escape craps out, and it shows no signs of that.... so far...  So I am able to wait.  I planned on waiting at least a year, 1.5 years.

Kia dealers in the US aren’t selling cars. They’re selling financing, which is a whole different ball game.

There still seems to be a healthy market for near-luxury sport sedans in LA, oddly enough. C-classes, 3-series, A4s, IS250s on their third owner and, indeed, quite a few Giulias litter the streets here.

He was pretty close to me as well. I drive on Zeeb all the time. David could probably only stop at so many houses before Ford would have reported the Mach-E stolen, however.

Your spirit animal is a Chocolate Lab named Buddy, isn’t it?

LOL. I wasn’t going to say anything, but mine, too!

I think it would look better with door handles.  

The thing about the tax credit is it doesn’t do much for a truly mass-market vehicle. If this sells at Tesla Model Y numbers, Ford will enter the phaseout period for their credits very quickly, because they’ve already dropped over half of them on C-Max, Fusion, and Aviator PHEVs and the could-have-been-amazing Focus

Count me in. Let’s be best friends!

(DT, reel it in a bit). 

I see you were within a mile or 2 of my house. Stop by next time!