Rev Les Crowley

The fake automatic is nothing but trouble.  ND at any price, sadly.

My ex’s favorite car in the whole word is the Chrysler Sebring convertible.

I love the car, and also think the price is unrealistic. But the voting is pretty close.

It doesn’t replace a mule, it replaces driving your entire family on your motorcycle.

“My brother’s got a nose like a vacuum cleaner” - Roger Clinton on an FBI surveillance tape, allegedly.

Agreed, and this is the first time in weeks I’ve been on the wrong side of the voting.

Nah, Ridgewood New Jersey - similar Wall Street bedroom community.   

Aftermarket heaters were a thing.  They ran on gas, like camping heaters.

When I was kid growing up in the 60s you’d see cars like this driven on summer weekends. The founder of Esquire magazine lived in our neighborhood and he and his friends had some amazingly cool stuff - one of my favorite childhood memories is a ride in a type 33 Bugatti.  There’s nothing like the smell of hot

You will of course join the owner’s club.  This thing is a screaming good deal.

I test drove one at the Lotus dealer in Summit NJ. The door handle came off in my hand.

Ah, you’re a Calvinist.

At least you’ve got a choice. For me it’s a pick between NYC cops or ... the prison guard. One of the former has the flag where Trump’s head is on Rambo’s body.

Nah. If not for the parts availability issue this would be NP.

Yeah, at 1500 it’s borderline NP beater.  ND at anything more than that.

I’m a minister IRL, and come from a long line of same and can share the following observation: non-profits can be cheapest, pettiest employers in the world.  Unless you’re upper, upper management.  Then it’s a really sweet grift.


Yeah, doctors have big egos.

Grandmothers? I’m friends with several (and engaged to one). Grandmas don’t do that stuff anymore. They’re children of the 60s and 70s.