
Good thing they took down Rihanna though.

Now playing

Because there wasn't one for the Avengers at the end of the first Captain America movie?

We get it LeBron, you want to be #2.

Good for you.

Well, given it's a piece of fiction, could just constantly make up theories about how it could be done.

After reading the article, I'm treating the "crystals" more like rock candy except it's poison.

Sansa was given the necklace knowing how close, in proximity, she would be to Joffery, so the actual killer could come

There's a Grovyle's to the SW of the Pokecenter in Roppongi that it looks like you missed.

As a Coyotes fan, allow me to repeat everything that's ever been said about the Phoenix Coyotes.


Given the way the Mets are these days, you think they'd do anything to have a fan show up.

That's some pretty serious K-Pop Dance Moves Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are putting out there.

So, if the ultimate app for the Occulus is going to be porn...
And Facebook is the way to stalk an ex...
Congrats, Facebook has the tech to bang a cyber version of any one on your Facebook feed.
Idiocracy is here!

Glad it was able to let me buy Mists of Pandaria and play WoW for a solid year.

So thanks for that D3 Auction House.

Would rather continue playing Banished than SimCity.

What's the penalty for that in Hobbitville?

A half-dozen airbases near by?

Sorry, the first full Terrance & Phillip episode deserved to be on this list. Not because it was an insane half hour, but because it proved how powerful these guys could be with a single episode. The hate it got from all the "fans" because they ran a joke episode on April Fool's Day (which, no one even bothered to

Are we just going to ignore the fact Pete's voice gets dubbed midway through the video for a line?

Dear Anders Behring Brevik,

Here are your copies of Aliens: Colonial Marines and Ashes Cricket 2013.

Some GameStop in Florida

I demand a conspiracy theory about this. "God Hates Vettes" or something!

As long as this isn't Bob Costas on the night of the Closing Ceremonies, I'll be ok.

I just want to know, why Mark Wahlberg is punching anything.

This movie is so bad I hate EA even more.