I can’t wait to play Left Back 4 Red DeadFall Blood.
I can’t wait to play Left Back 4 Red DeadFall Blood.
Fortnite still exists.
Diablo Immortal still exists.
Horrible shit still exists.
Why would you need to full reset to Tom Baker when we found out The Doctor can now regenerate over and over and over and over and over and...sorry, got carried away...over again.
Sorry, what I was getting at is you don’t need to reset when you can just take a chunk of regenerations and have some long ass saga with…
NFTs man.
Never said it was the comics, I just said the possibility exists. Trust me, I’ve argued with others about how MCU isn’t the comics and it’s just beating a dead horse. People lost their minds over Taskmaster not being comics. I remember my friend losing her mind that Hawkguy wasn’t deaf in his first appearance and…
Zero reason to recast. Comics had the title pass onto others so it’ll work here too.
Was Daniel Kaluuya a key player in the sequel after his character was effectively thrown in prison for his part in overthrowing T’Challa?
Except...they poked the bear.
This isn’t a Steam problem but Steam having to react to how Ubisoft themselves are doing this. In this day and age where you have systems like Steam and whatever Ubisoft is calling their trashfire system this month, there shouldn’t even be a need to discontinue/roadbloack DLC or entire games. Want to take away a…
He’s a hack.
it’s still an over-monetized, grindy dumpster fire that’s failed to delivered. All they’ve done is make it slightly less grindy, but that’s like spilling your soda on a house fire and calling the fire put out.
HOW does this guy keep getting jobs?
honestly, you can play ARK as a single player experience, but all my experiences have been more fun with a group/tribe doing things.
If anything, Destiny will return to the timed exclusivity of small things. A strike here. A set of armor there. A gun here.
Now, as far as Destiny and all their expansions being pulled off XBox Game Pass. This might have had something to do with it, but so is trying to maximize every dollar you can to get more and…
There’s a part of me that wants to argue this but in the end my feelings boil down to “yeah, that’s basically it.”
Or just this gif:
While not my favourite show, it’s the most relatable given how Hawkeye is grounded. Sure, I get Wanda’s grieving, but I couldn’t fathom creating an entire pocket universe where I live in denial to deal with it. I’m not a time traveling magician like Loki. Nor did I have to prove myself to be the real Captain America…
Curious if they’ll continue storylines from the show or slowly tie into the MCU?
I was hoping they’d go more into the alt. history aspect of the game, but they just barely touched it at the ending of the story.
Epic, as played by Vanilla Ice, explaining how their mode was completely different than Among Us.
And the “But do they have a patent?” makes for a good Eddie Izzard knockoff bit, but that’s about it. Epic would lose their shit if someone came along and flat out rip off Fortnite.