The NFL can't have nice things, they have a team in Jacksonville.
*waits for the hate*
The NFL can't have nice things, they have a team in Jacksonville.
*waits for the hate*
Of course Tim Tebow could lead a team to the Super Bowl...
...they're always hiring for ushers at most stadiums.
Let's invade Etsy in retaliation.
I'm sure NASCAR Nation will rise up and help him out in his darkest hour.
Saints Row The Third is $5 on Steam.
With all DLC is $7.50.
Saints Row 2-4 with DLC is the "Franchise Pack" is $29.99, also on Steam.
If this were the early 90s, these guys would have made EVERY sportscast's "Plays of the Year" clip show.
Now, they're just a Deadspin entry that will be forgotten in a few days or stupid comment by Giselle.
I'm not taking anything way from Barry Bonds. All I'm saying is that with the hate on him and the era, I thought his voting numbers would be lower. That's it. I'm not even against the guy being in the Hall of Fame.
Given the hate that the steroid users and Barry Bonds had/have, Bonds getting 64.9% impresses me. I thought the number would be lower.
Thanks, another reason to hate the Heat.
Why would this guy bury Maddox?
Oh "Dodgers beat reporter." Way to be a shitbag, Gurnick.
The real human centipede.
Must suck to get the superior machine for christmas.
In before xbone fanbois go nuts.
I believe A. Rod.
Then, he counted to six stomping his hoof onto the ground, then stormed out of the barn when the thunder made the loud noise.
"Is such a comparison really necessary?"
Because on one hand you have Sony fanboys who are going to immediately point at the smaller number and laugh at the larger number to throw 360 users under the bus. Then on the other hand, you'll have the 360 fanboys who were going to jump on that news even if one console had it.
This is an open letter to CSPAN,
Please cover more Rob Ford and less current US Government.
Are the only settings Friends, Friends of Friends, Everyone and Only Me? What if you previously created a custom list? Would that appear? Or will you have to go to Facebook and change the publicity settings there?
I'm with everyone here that oversharing with friends would be bad, but if I had a…
What if the problem was American audiences care far more deeper about someone's history other than their own?
It would also explain why The History Channel is loaded with nonhistorical tripe?
Pretty sure none of the CoDBros even noticed until now.
A CDi Version 2.0!