I’m right there with you. Everything seems to be coming to a head this month... I just want it to be over.
I’m right there with you. Everything seems to be coming to a head this month... I just want it to be over.
Please don’t apologize! This is exactly what SNSes are here for!
I know it can be an imbalance of power and it’s gross for that reason, but I found myself in a situation recently where I was the person saying my boyfriend “let” me do something. I have super long hair, and I was getting it trimmed and I said “my boyfriend won’t let me cut it super short.” My Stylist felt the way you…
2015 really was a horrible year. I’m really hoping 2016 is better. I’m really hoping being 27 is better than 26 was.
A few weeks back, I went out and met a random cute guy. Lately the RCG has been texting a lot and we have plans for brunch tomorrow then catch a movie afterwards. I'm trying not to be overly excited but guysssssss, it's been forever. And he's really nice. I've been waiting for SNS to share this. I've yet to even tell…
I forget who posted this before me re: trolls and jerks, but-
Hey Jezzies, whatcha drinking? I’ve got a Lagunita’s Lil Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale. Hoppier than I normally like, but I’m enjoying it anyway.
Hey everyone lets get serious for a minute - I think we need to talk about the asshole epidemic that has been plaguing Jezebel lately. I’m not talking about the beloved assholes (like myself ;) ) but I’ve talked to a few people about this so I know I’m not the only one experiencing this but has anyone else noticed a…
Emotions ran high this week. My husband has just been allocated for a project in Bentonville, Arkansas. So we have to move there, from Orlando, FL. As a knee-jerk reaction I said “NO!” but that’s not realistic. So now I have to come to terms with moving to a state in the bible belt that brings Mike Huckabee and the…
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton were kissing in public. No no no no.
That man should be the subject of a novel, written from the point of view of the women in his life.
“I have to admit, I always felt the use of a period in a text meant something more.”
OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.
Don’t hate. I like him so much I would go drinking if he asked me to go out with him.
“Officer, I’m sorry that he’s dead, but I was just walking across campus and I saw this guy running at people with what looked to be a gun. I was afraid for my life and for the lives of others, so I shot him.
That reminded me of the huge conferederate flag sticker I saw last week with the words “if this offends you you just made my day”.
Fun fact: During the surrender at Appomatox Courthouse, General Grant ordered rations to be distributed to the Conferderate troops when General Lee mentioned that his troops were kinda sorta out of food and had been for a while.
Remember folks, flag and dismiss the trolls. DO NOT ENGAGE.
According to Buzzfeed, Sierra Clayborn’s FB photo still features a French flag to show her solidarity with the victims in Paris.
I hope people who were on the fence but leaning towards being accepting of refugees will remember that. The masses of already vehemently anti-refugee cowards will just use this as fuel for their fire. Never mind that one of the shooters was an American and the other came in on a visa. They won’t care that there’s a…