
few questions:

I hate to break it to you...but...Kim Kardashian had some images of her....Photoshopped. [Radar Online

Can we also get a silent dentist’s chair? I don’t want to talk about the one fact you always remember about me from our bi yearly visits. I don’t want to try to answer your question with your hands in my mouth and drool dripping down my chin. I truly don’t care about your children or my flossing habits or the last

I willfully ignored all the rumors. They didn’t strike me as the last of the Red Hots (more like Lemonheads) but they seemed solid in a mature, pragmatic, workman way that may have lacked heat but seemed like a roadmap to longevity for their “personalities”. I thought they had a lot of affection and respect.

Well glad I already donated to Planned Parenthood today.

Pray Daily for the women who abort, their children, and the providers.

The comments on this thread are really making me upset. I feel like people are shaming people for being upset about losing functionality of an expensive product at a time when they need it most. People on this program are working hard to lose weight and it’s hard enough to do especially at Thanksgiving. I don’t think

I just felt like we needed a full shot of Rebel looking fucking BOSS in this dress. ALSO HER BAG IS A CANDY. She looks like Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century went to a fancy party and I love it.

I worked for several years as a volunteer “clinic guard” at a clinic which provided abortion services. This type of situation was always our worst case scenario and my heart goes out to the patients, staff and security whose lives have been forever changed because one of “the antis” finally took their bloody rhetoric

I have a friend whose family is rabidly pro life. One sister got pregnant at 15, and it quite literally destroyed the family. The sister was too depressed to care for the kid, so her dad had to come out of (medically necessary) retirement to support her and the kid, and her mom had to quit her job to care for daughter

Jesus, Carly. What are you willing to say? What are you willing to espouse? Do you have any soul left at all?

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

Way to fling this at Black Lives Matter.

I will never understand how people use religion to justify evil like this, and how they are unable to see the horrific irony in their approach. Not to mention I am sure NONE of these people have ever adopted a baby from a mother in dire straits.

I broke my “never read the comments” mantra on a Facebook newspost about the mass shooting. People were fucking celebrating, saying that it was a job well done, and that those people deserved it. And that it’s somehow Barack Obama’s fault and this guy looks like a typical liberal. Yeah, I went a little heavy on the

All donations made by December 31st will be doubled so it’s a good time to give. (Please don’t cross post this article to gawker; still getting slammed with gross comments from the last PP post :/ )

Oh, they’ll come. And we’ll flag and dismiss them.

I used to be a clinic defender. For a while I thought, gratefully, that the job had gone away. Not any more. My utter loathing of forced-birther goons has escalated a thousand percent since then, especially since they appear to have allied with the ammosexuals.

No joke. I am considering moving out of my house today as one of my housemates just said, “Good! I saw those videos of PP selling baby brains and they deserve to be brought down.”

Mentally ill or no, the rhetoric used by the GOP and far right’s antichoice attempt at a Planned Parenthood smear campaign worked on this man just like it works on people who wouldn’t go so far as to actually commit murder. People are genuinely thrilled this happened. I wish the anti choice bigots spreading messages