You're right.
You're right.
I love this. This is movement and this is change. 10 years ago I'm not sure these businesses would have had the guts. It is our new norm to protect the rights of the lgbtq community, I know I know there is more to do. But let's take a minute to enjoy watching North Carolina squirm
You are speaking my thoughts. I recently went through a period where I just couldn't comment on anything. There was nothing to comment on. Nothing real. I love escapism too. Love dirtbag, love housewives. But I also want some depth!
I do not understand Wendy Williams. She's like that awful acquaintance that hears your story, pounces on the drama, tells everyone she knows that your exaggerating and then when your truth surfaces acts like she was behind you the whole time except for some good common skepticism. I can't stomach a flip flop
Yesterday I walked along an open field on the side of the road and found wild asparagus everywhere! It was awesome
You just gotta get that long whistle down!
Everyday you will turn another corner and then sometimes you will get stopped dead right when you think you've got it figured out. It gets easier!
Sometimes I think we are in a parallel universe. I often respond to the MIL religion with: thank you for that info, I will take what I need and disregard the rest. Or when pressed on Jesus I tell her I know historically he existed but that I believe he was just a radical man mad at God for forsaking him at the last…
Yes Sqarr!! I will email. What is this place worth if we can't protect ourselves or each other.
Patience. Guns and Roses. I’m pretty sure it didn’t sound like I meant it to by the looks on everyone’s faces but I felt it
If you lived in rural Virginia like I do you might be called high maintenance. It was the gold bond medicated powder on your balls that threw you over the edge.
Agree. I write music and lyrics and a melody generally just authentically pops in my head and I build from there. I have had people say that reminds me of........ But generally I don't know the song that they reference. Now subconsciously am I building a melody that i was heard when I was 5? Who knows. And with pop it…
It's made to keep the suuuuper religious women's wahoo covered and cool while doing activities without crossing that pant wearing line. We should never pretend this is hip. Never ever.
All I can really remember of my angsty youth is going to a smashing pumpkins show where all the angstiest angsters were throwing water bottles onto the stage and one hit Billy Corgan in the head. He was pissed. Stomped his feet twice and screamed at us about our shitty show behavior and stomped off. It was EPIC