
I’m not bragging (YES I AM) but not more than a month ago I was eating at NOBU and noshing on honor bar M&M’s. The red carpet was only in my mind. #Celeblife #Vacation #AintNoHumbleinmyBrag.

mmm, abortion

I demand an apology from this woman and everyone else who exploited his “hero” funeral to undermine Black Lives Matter.


So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.


Yes. Watch it. It’s kind of campy and over the top but in an awesome way. Plus Brandon Lee had it goin’ ON.

Maybe it’s time they just caw the whole thing off.

Yeah, to me this seems like it’s a classic case of finding someone who’s nothing at all like your ex to exorcise their memory. For the most part, I think people have one of those, realize that the person is too opposite, and then go on to date people sort of like the ex but not too much.

Horses are often named after their parents. So you have a foal by “Prince of Penzance”out of..... “Nivea Sensitive Protect” (I am looking at my desk) and you get the filly “Penzance Protection” and the colt “Sensitive Prince”.

It’s firmly black and white in the eyes of the law and this was a representative of the police force making a statement that mitigates the actions of the assailant. The officer doesn’t even need to have an opinion, let alone vocalize it in this case.

That’s not unfair assessment. But you assume that the rapist is a scumbag and the officer in charge of helping find said “scumbag” has sensitivity to the victim.

“She was not necessarily all that unwilling, but at the age of 12 it doesn’t matter,” said Kelly.

That’s the part that got me and I couldn’t write any more about it. Like how could someone defend this dude when he didn’t just rape a child but then brought his adult son into it?

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

Giving birth ripped me apart and destroyed my identity. I was 100% sure it was a mistake.nto have become a mother. I love that we can admit this now, that hormones are stronger than us and we might need time to adjust.

My favorite photo from the book:

And being healthy really doenst have much to do with it I don’t think because both of his brothers are not pictures of health. My grandfather died at...42? 43? Of liver cancer that ended up spreading. He probably would have been alive today but the medical technology wasn’t there at the time.

Just turned 45. Is my advanced degree going to save me?!?