
Stephen King’s been known to do a few as well.

“To be or knot to be.”

People who travel legally in Iran rarely encounter problems. If Iran doesn’t want you there, they won’t give you a visa. Generally it is not that difficult to get a tourist visa, at least not any more so than any other country with strict visa requirements. US citizens on a tourist visa are required to go on an

How do others get arrested in Iran for being “spies” when they go hiking in a group, and how does a woman escape such scrutiny when traveling for a lot longer? Did she have a government minder? Did she make other deals that are not disclosed in the article?

Jeb Can Fix It!

Except he’s not Fix-it Felix; he and his family are Wreck-it Ralphs.

I just don’t understand how she hasn’t been in bed under like 4 comforters since this happened. How is she not mortified? I wish I could watch this video, I hate work.

I’m so glad to hear it, I thought I was the only one! That book was sort of horrifying.

Yeah. And the way she’d take other people’s stuff and throw it away without asking them. And the obsession with bowel movements. And the fact that she got injured from organizing someone’s stuff and couldn’t stop thinking about organization even in the hospital.

That reminds me of Hercule Poirot’s secretary Miss Lemon, who literally spent all her spare time planning a new file organizing system with which she intended to astonish the world.

I didn’t realize my minimalist dream until I moved overseas. Then, I moved back and saw what I kept and minimized again. It’s a refining process, for me at least.

I don’t think it is.

It’s also a little bit Japanese. My Japanese elementary school home ec class has a regular unit in the curriculum in how to organize your desk. Kids do a project on it. They gave to take before and after pictures and write an essay on it. Add that to the way cleaning the classroom is a scheduled part of the work day

It struck me as odd as well.

I am so much better than I was, but in college I “lost” a kitten for a couple of days, under my bed. And she didn’t starve.

I’m not into the “stealing” narrative either, but I do bow down to her as a world class seductress. I mean, she’s married or had an affair with pretty much every actor with whom she’s had a sex scene. It’s uncanny.

I so get this. Every time I attempt a normal, stable relationship it feels very boring. And then I’m like, “he’s being boring and not showering you with attention, and not making art because you’re not his muse, and he didn’t fall in love with you immediately, so he’s just not that into you.” And then bam! you meet a

Looks like they decided to throw all sanity to the winds and went Full Texas.