
Fucking Stoners man

In SoCal Santana is still in very heavy rotation, comedian Kurt Braunholer has a great routine about it

There's nothing wrong with using a foreign language in your song, there is something wrong with adopting g a racist caricature of a culture, Sublime adopts this character of well imagine the shittiest Mexican in a western character in a Sandler movie played by rob Schneider

It's the worst fucking rivalry in America it's completely perpetuated by NorCal they have a burning hatred for us in SoCal because we're what is associated with CA in general. SoCal is way too self involved to think of anyone else it's no coincidence the biggest sports rivalry in SoCal is USC vs UCLA, two LA teams.

Umm they were popular in 1998 sir please learn your history

Everyone's talking about Phi Phi's meltdown but Roxxxy. I meani don't understand she's a genuinely funny and charismatic person but this challenge she reverted to this weird 1940s bazooka Joe type humor.

I hope Evan Susser walked into meetings with the studio behind "Fist Fight" in a suit blastIng "No chance in hell"

Did anyone else feel that Stage 2 have a little bit of "Starkiller" feel to it? Like how the first Death Star was amazing and the Starkiller in episode 7 seems a little underwhelming in comparison. I'm a little bummed that the mysterious plan was essentially "Blow up a building", I might have been more invested in the

But devils avocado, the journey wasn't as enjoyable (but still pretty great) as last season. I really want to see Eliot be more proactive in the main plot, Iittle less introspective

Mr Robot I hate to watch you go but I love to watch you leave. Which means I kinda hate where the show went this season but I love watching the show get there

Well if E-Corp goes under, China is out 2 trillion dollars, We're still not sure what Dark Army's ultimate goals are (Nice plot for the show to explore but whatever let's have more existential chess games) I think the DA is not exactly Chinese patriots

I gotta admit this episode left me RAW I will be UP ALL NIGHT thinking of how it made me angry, I don't think it SUITS Mr Robot well, SILK STOCKINGS

Guys just watch Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Britpop, it covers not only Oasis but the whole culture of Cool Britannia, the quotes in it are amazing

As one of the 5 people who regularly listened to "Lil Cuties" I'm very happy for anyone who breaks up with Dave Horowitz, I mean yiiiikes talk about navel gazing

Make Prince Some Cereal

Lemme guess your ethnicity?

I'm really excited for the Bruuuce Memoir, "Born to Run". I know that rock biographies are sorta like the speed walking equivalent of reading but like speed walking if done right, it can be great exercise. I recently watched a 10 minute 60 Minutes piece on the boss and it was really interesting. You hear all these

And it's a Specifically American phenomena, In many Asian cultures, and Latino cultures it's seen as sad that young people move away from the family, at least that's what I'm constantly yelling at my dad

I think his style is to take someone down but do it in a way that he can gloat to his victim.

I personally don't think it's Russell just because it seems way too excessive and hastily planned, Why shoot him in puic in broad daylight and risk getting caught? Gamby is so easy to take down in other ways (Recording their conversation, his inappropriate relationship with the other teacher, overall buffoonery")