
Lol, hey bud, you do know he still gets paid for all those failed tv shows, we should all be so lucky

Well like the martyr gen Xer Saint Cobain said "Mom hates dad and dad hates mom"

Granted it wasn't that long but learning to use the internet is so different than it just being a thing that's around

As a Millennial can I say I hate the term Millennial because it ignores the sharp divide of older millenials born in the 80s and the Millennials born in the 90s. Older Millennials like myself remember a time before the internet, before suburban whites completely stole black culture and these younger Millennials are

They idealize the greatness of the idealism of the 60s, when in reality they abandoned that shit at the drop of a hat, yeah the asssinations of RFK MLK etc are demoralizing but to go from Woodstock to the nihilistic hedonism of the 70s in 5 or so years is insane

Good point Millennials and Gen X are 1940s US and USSR, ideological enemies for sure but let's take out these monsters first

As a Millennial I hate Gen X (and this extremely generalizing) because their apathy and sarcasm looks fucking preposterous when you look back at the 90s. I mean the economic and ecological realities are so much worse now. I'm a nostalgic baby like most 20 something, I loved Fight Club, Reality Bites growing up but

I'm surprised Sausage Party isn't on this list, but then again I'm convinced it's actually a high concept performance art piece by Seth Rogen. A critique of capitalism that such a unappealing, awful movie could make 150 million, while Millions are hungry

both parties are mutual friends with Hollywood handbook, I bet they'll set it up somehow

Is this your first time interacting online outside of fourchan, or trading pics of frogs in redhats

Don't worry they'll lose power as soon as they have to actually govern, it's easy to gain voters when you do nothing but sit back and blame everything on Obama

It's Tim & Eric but dumber and meaner

Looks like these creeps have found out about this article and are now descending on to it like locusts

Marine and you were first to register the name Mr Poopy Butthole, you have my outmost respect sir

The early 2000s was mostly a dour time for popular music and just a weird time to be a teen in general. Outkast Hey Ya was such a needed shot in the arm and it held extra reverence for me cuz I was a weird teen really into soul and Motown. It may be one the most overplayed songs in history but move past the baggage

He was great as a stand in for that human wanking motion Joe Francis on Arrested Development

Well god damn it now I got to listen to gates of steel, IM TRYING TO CUT BACK ON MY DATA USAGE

I call this the "American Psycho Effect" I was watching a 30 for 30 about the Duke Rape case and the smug LAX dude bros who were "innocent but still seemingly awful human beings" were quoting American Psycho non stop

I think the problem with Fight Cluband American Beauty isn't that their bad movies is just they aged horribly, they're so specific for the late 90s when the economy was booming, and there was little to no political strife,America in the late 90s was basically like how you look at back on your senior year and you

Well, and the name "Stranglers" is pretty awful