
Aww man imagining poor Billy Exchanging small glances with his wife Chyna Phillips (of Wilson Phillips fame) while Alex and Stephen ruthlessly tear into each other

Well it's a easy joke, and no ones gonna challenge your stance

As a west coast liberal I have zero problems with us being a target of ridicule (frankly we bring it on ourselves) but the reality of what happened in the election I think is far more complex and nuanced than "damn effete liberals bumbled itv again"! But more importantly going after liberals is the easiest and weakest

To a much lesser extent this is what happened to the Pokémon Go Reddit, what started as a fun celebration quickly turned into nothing bout composing about Ninantic the parent company of PGO, it's now almost completely comprised of people pitching unrealistic "improvements" they wanna see implemented, it's like a AM

There was a great moment at Good Nights where up front where Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock and Tribe Called Quest, and all the white cast members faded into the background in conciliatory fashion like "You Know what this isn't our moment"

i like Hillary as s person she's fine but as a candidate she was beyond arrogant. Bill Clinton told her to try to do more to appeal to working class whites, she never visited Wisconsin, took the OBama coalition for granted

I don't see how it can be spun into racial resentment. She won 5 million less votes than Obama (a black man) in 2012. She was a flawed candidate, too many ties to wall st and the establishment, a FBI investigation and she was not very charismatic, not to mention campaign lacked a message beyond Trump sucks, I mean he

But progress is stalled when you endlessly accuse people of racism, for example people were screaming at Amy Schumer for her awful "Lemonade" parody it wasn't cultural appropriation it was a dumb parody video, do people think Amy Schumer is racist?

I blame the lackluster "Brave", it's not the worst but definitely the most forgettable of the Pixar movies

I loved Yorkies line about 2002 "How is this your era"?! As someone who was 16 in 2002, I unfortunately exactly understand where she's coming from

When Yorke was describing having a fiancée but never having sex and describing her family dynamic I thought she might be Muslim, in hindsight glad I was wrong, would've been a little too Of a "hot take"

What pisses me off is that life expectancy keeps going upward but people are still refring to themselves as "old" at like 28, shit man, you have to 60 years left, take it easy

Some may consider blasphemy but I really don't like late era Carlin, it crossed the point of pointed commentary to Angry old man yelling at people

Devils Avocado: I'm not at all defending awful Trump people but there is an annoying thing where a comedian will abandon any attempts to be funny and just talk about their political al beliefs. I loved the David Cross albums of the 90s but his last Netflix special he seemed to forget about writing jokes and just

Political Correctness is RUINING America.

In a way yes, they been tricked by Fox News and Tush Limbaugh that it's Government regulation and immigrants that took their job and not globalization or corporate greed

In a weird way, the vitrol Aimed at Alaska is a testament of the power of the show. She's a drag queen, A type of art that is on the farthest fringes of pop culture, it's not like she's a pop star or actor. It seems like it's far from a easy life and I respect to her sacrifice and dedication to her craft. Think of all

I cut her some slack on the tantrums because she's an ex addict and clearly still working on controlling her emotions

I'm not saying he's funny, he's funny in that their stuff but the character would be better as a actual teenager.

I dunno the fact that Johnny Pemberton is 35 years old might affect the character