
Or making that coffee to go

Hey, he was warming the car up

My favorite Mulaney Stefon story is that one time before hader went in. mulaney handed him a signed portrait if taylor negron that said "thanks for never making fun of me" which caused hader to break at the negron reference later in the sketch.

What bugs me about Colon Jost (#FireJost) is that the head writer as Weekend Update anchor is a fairly recent occurence. It started with Tina Fey and then Seth Meyers. As far as I know they're the only 2 head writers who have been in Update, it's not like it's some longstanding tradition that the head writer host

I liked the skelton twins but I was little dissapointed that it was a drama with comedic elements and not a comedy with dramatic elements. Also if you think about it, Hader's character was a real world, sad Stefon.

Only like 4 people saw it but the short lived animated series SuperEgo (not the podcast) on the short lived Current network had the funniest takes on the Obama presidency.

hey everybody knows that Cosby, Al Sharpton and Steve Harvey all sound EXACTLY alike

To be fair, the "Classic SNL" episode that aired at 10 was a tribute to Hooks. It featured her Brenda's Diner and a Greta Gabor sketches. I doubt NBC just really wanted to show 2 late era B-52 performances.

I don't know, Brenda's diner is pretty great. the way she manipulates neal ons and Hartmann's sorry sack diner patrons and her back and forth with Baldwin. "You know what you want"? I figured that out when I was 12"

But neither are white guys who went to Harvard, I'm very suspicious of their skills #FireJost

The National's version of the Thanksgiving song is strangely poignant

Its down from its premerier at 830 but way up from the finale of last year at 700, I think its just a shitty time slot

I certainly hope that having a woman as a main charchter won't prevent this film from being as joyless and grey as the 4 previous Singer X-men movies, also can Magneto slowly lift some huge shit like a building?

They stole the idea of being talented and bi racial from Obama

I think the show will improve but the first episode makes mulaney look like a crazy person who only speaks in stand up bits


Wait , what??? From all accounts Martin Short is a delightful man, explain yourself young man


Including a African American gentleman, which suprised me.

Yes SNL in 2060, whites will be a minority in America but SNL will still have 12 white guys, Hell, when the super smart apes overrun humanity, SNL will find 10 white guys humans but hey shout out to Mike O'Brien for getting back in a sketch