
The Joan Rivers sketch would've worked if the jokes Sarah Silverman was tripping over were actually edgy. I mean say what you want about Rivers but the woman was not tame, till the end she said what she wanted. I mean for christs sake, the worst thing you say about Jobs is a joke about replacing iPhones. He's been

I like how in Married, Nat Faxon is miserable but he spends approximately 40% of his time getting high with Jenny Slate and Bret Gelman,his boss is a John Hodgman and he's married to a Judy Greer, Also how about they give Greer less to do. Don't get me wrong I like the show and its cast, I thought it got better as the


Yeah he seems to have one diagnosis, you were raped as a child

You mean "Pardo me does anoyne know what time it is?: The Chicago Podcast

a bit preachy but funny

Fun Fact: 2000 light years way is about Billie Joe'S wife, whom he met on one of their early tours, also fun fact: green day was never punk but power pop working in the punk medium

I knew there was no way the Bugle was going to stay out of the Scotland Indy Ref, I was following the vote closely and the bugle was a much more entertaining, than watching sky news or bbc streaming. I loved the bit about voting for independence just to see the look on David Camerons face. "You should've seen it, the

I think tomorrows ep might be (gets close to your ear whispers) thinner. I called up to request the garbage fire that was "Big Wedding" (They get a actor whose clearly to play a latino but a subplot is that his fiancee's parents are racist). I loved the guys being baffled at Ron Silver plan and why didn't he just

He was actually really funny when Vine just started, like he did weird characters but then he started to gain followers so he made his videos appeal to 14 yr olds. He man do what you got to do to get that money but collaborating with 19 year olds to make vine videos about your "bae" or "white girls drinking starbucks"

What bugged me about Nash was that he really thought that he "Had Howards Number" , like he thinks they're both the same. But I couldn't disagree agree more, Howard is kinda weird, but in a delightful eccentric way. Nash just has emotional problems

I recently discovered the classic loveline podcast. and let me tell you, like a flannel blanket it really warms you up with sweet 90s nostalgia. I know Adam Carolla is persona non grata around here but this is when he was still funny,before he turned into a bitter podcaster whose political views line up with your

Did u know he was almost James Bond? I heard there's gonna be a N64 game about GoldenEye probly be terrible

Theres a great story in the SNL book that Ben Stiller was supposed to be the 2nd post 9/11 host, but cancelled. The producers thought that he was scared but really he wanted to be the first host back so that he could promote Zoolander

Just say you'll bring the beards

I bought my love a chicken.. it had nooo bones

Be quiet or Damon Lindeof and HBO will turn your idea into a promising but ultimately disappointing one hour sci fi drama featuring Justin Theroux

Or Frank's abrupt answering message to Jerry, "Jerry its Frank, George is dead"

My favorite running gag spans not one but two NBC comedies. In the classic Will Ferrell SNL skit "Bad Doctor", Will Ferrell loses Chris Parnells and Molly Shannon's baby, Parnell calls him a Vondruke, which Ferrell asks if its a real curse word. In 30 rock the weird European writer tells Jenna "What did you tell her

If i Had to watch England the past 20 years, I would hate soccer too. BOOM ROASTED about a sport you hate. USA USA USA USA