
Yeah I'm interested to see how that will play out, not just for Nate Silver but for computer generated predictions in general. Goldman Sachs released a equally semi Bonkers report that saw Greece and Russia winning their groups. Like you mentioned theres just not enough data and a player can be a amazing club player

I've been reading alot of Brit Pop 20 year retrospectives, which lead me to the proto Brit Pop band, The Stone Roses, pretty amazing in my opinion, Screw Record Label drama, If the Stone Roses had kept the momentum they had in 1990, I think they could have been one of the greats. Also The Documentary "Made of Stone"

The problem with Berghdal is that he's not the prototypical "Ra-Ra-Ra" "go america" type of figure that we like to make a hero in this country. We want to see him go on Good Morning America with his attractive southern wife and talk about how great this country is. Since he's a slightly complicated figure, we label

I haven't been on facebook for a few months, I'm curious of the chatter on the street, Is it all FUCK YEAH USA comments or interest in other teams

I dunno I kinda of agree with Av Club on this one, I mean it is 1998 isn't it?

Fun Fact: besides Brazil americans bough the most tickets to this years World Cup. I don't understand why it took so long for the World Cup to become popular. It features things Americans love like Day Drinking, Chants, Casual Jingoism/Racism

Soccer hipsters have been around since 2006, you know the type, white guy with glasses, really wants to talk to you at this bar about his favorite Bundesliga team.Also NBC paid like 50 million to show the english Premiere league on Sundays. So can we stop with the " Americans don't like soccer jokes" it's such a dad

God Damn, reading these quotes make me realize how funny Clone High, between watching the Young Ones and Clone High looks like I got a lot of Youtube watchin' ahead of me tonight.

" I can't wait to eat this……Baby" "How did they get my Spaghetti video"??

He is politically engaged, but the difference between De la Roacha and Morello is, Morello wants to play benefit concets and host politically engaging radio shows, Morello wants to be an actual Revoultionary, I think he actually wanted to "drive down Rodeo with a shotgun"

I think Hatesong provides an interesting look into the personality of the Hater (Hatee?) Like Steve Coogan's hates Lady in Red, which is the same type of schmaltzy entertainment that Alan Partridge skewers. For Mr. Daly I can see his brand of "Anti comedy" is fueled by a lot of cynicism, like thinking that that Green

That was actually Zach De La Roachas problem, he actually wanted his music to cause some sort of revolution and the rest of the band just wanted to play music. My God has there ever been a mainstream artist who had less a sense of humor about himself than De La Roacha? And how the fuck do you sit out both the Bush

Green Day was never a punk band.. Even when they were a punk band. They're a power pop band that came up through the Bay Area punk scene.They're like a African Basketball player, who was playing as a soccer goalie until they were 16. "2000 light years away" is a straight up pop song. Punk or not, fuck anyone who

American Idiot the single is terrible, American Idiot the album is pretty good. Yeah the musical is pretentious as shit but I take no responsibility for that.

Norm "Son of a Gunderson" , I assume Gus is supposed sound like Gun

"Nothing about your life makes sense, your parties, your house with two garages"

Yeah its a bummer because I support Todd's views, I love his passion, But son of a vondruke, I don't want to hear an hour of him yelling and no one making really good points.Plus I think the show is hilarious when they get to joking around.

Todd constantly refering to Staind as "Staind Glass" was amazing, I also loved when Adam Scott explained the premise to him

You Sir or Mam, have a one man show inside of you

So this was a clever way to brag that you've already seen the mid-season finale?