
The finale wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't part of a bigger problem with Drag Race, and that is that more and more Drag Race is becoming like every other reality show. To me, the best part of Drag Race was that it was a such a well made, sharp take down of reality shows and as time goes on, its starting to

Even then, Oasis was influenced by the Stone Roses, who were the least "Madchester" of the madchester bands and were mostly a throwback to 60's psychedelic rock

"I worked on building sites and that fundamentally makes my soul a lot purer than theirs' -Noel Gallagher on Blur

I love the ridiculous circa 98 Select Magazine cover that had Gay Dad on the cover with their lead singer in Jesus garb and the headline "GAY DAD RESURRECTS BRIT POP"

To be fair, Glastonbury is a rock concert not a hip hop concert and Jay-Z does seem like a lazy pick for a headliner. also Fuck Jay-Z for mocking Wonderwall, Wonderwall is overplayed but its a brilliant pop song. Oasis is saddled their whole career with Beatles comparisons but Jay-z literally uses Biggie lyrics in his

I like Champagne Supernova even less because at over 7 minutes long, its a precursor to "Be Here Now"

I think it gets very unfairly labeled as "dad rock" some great stuff on there, especially when compared to beady eye

Why Masterplan and Acquiesce is not on Be Here Now is absolutely insane. If either of those songs are on the album, maybe it does'nt flop. Also I really wish they followed down the path of making more music like Masterplan. Its has such a sense of passion, that's been missing from their post 90s albums

Can we all agree that calling Oasis Ripoffs of the Beatles is the "SNL/Simpsons isnt as good as it used to be" of music. I mean yes, obviously Oasis is drawing from the Beatles and 70s rock, they would even admit it themselves. What really bothers me is that, you can't just cut and paste from other bands and have a

Hey Noel may have written the entirety of three albums but Liam was the one who suggested "Sally may wait" on Don't Look Back in Anger

I gotta be that guy, I've actually been listening to Be Here Now and its not nearly as bad as people remember it, As matter of fact, I like it. The songs are'nt terrible (well D'you Know What I Mean is pretty bad) their just too long. If the album was stripped down it would be up there with Dm and Morning Glory

Oasis's Rise and fall is one of the most fascinating stories in rock history, two years after releasing their debut album their playing to the biggest concert in England's storied musical history. A year later they collapse under the weight of impossible expectations, a collapsing britpop scene and mountains and

What gets me about the Oasis/Blur debate is that often, people were turned off by the Gallaghers brothers being assholes but Damon Albarn was just as big of an asshole if not bigger, And the Gallagher brothers were at least wildly entertaining, hillarious assholes

Listen, I fucking love Oasis, but they're not even the best band from Manchester

You can blame white people for many things, and I often do, but you can't blame then for the lack of laughter at Jay Pharoahs impersonations. You can only laugh so much at "Yeah he sounds like Kanye" he's not as bad as Frank Caliendo but he's a typical "good at impressions bad at writing"

Yeah they were cheering for Vogelcheck sketch before it even began


So is anyone else kinda weirded out by how much the cast plays kids? Girlfriend talk show, last nights talk sketch, child actors sketch, what are you doing right now, Shalonn (Ok I love shalon). It shows that the cast and writers gave nothing to say. It's weird for a young established cast to keep presenting

I know most Outlandish characters work better in small doses but a 8-10 episodes season of Rafi's insane shenanigans would acutally be amazing.

A lot of people are saying that Community never got a proper finale but I for one, take solace that the last moments of Community were spent on two giant middle fingers to the Incompetent Network that mistreated it and its awful, stupid programming. May we all get a chance to stick it to our crummy bosses like