

For a Teenager who loves Comedy and history (No, I was not rolling in pussy as that last sentence suggested) Clone High being aprubtly cancelled was a bitter pill to swallow. No show or movie has ever come close to skewering Teen Movies or Shows quite like Clone High. Whats worse is that the creators of the show have

Ha, I wondered if I got that wrong, But for me, Not being English and admitting to like Oasis or Listening to anything recorded by Oasis past the year 1998 counts as Superfandom

I think the fanbase has just grown up, the show began 5 years ago, Many of the fans that have loved the show for years have just grown up or reached a point in life, where losing a tv show albeit one of the best tv shows ever, isn't as big of a deal as it would be two or three years ago

Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development, Clone High, Spaced, The UK Office, Deadwood, Happy Endings, Enlightened, Twin Peaks, All Great Shows, All of them did'nt even get to have Half the amount of episodes that Community did. I loved the show but it didn't end "Before its time". In the words of Oasis, Quit crying your

Hey! That guy who "writes pop culture references instead of jokes" was really funny from about 2000 to 2002. He also Created American Dad, then walked away before it became Brillant… Then he started descending into lazy mediocrity. So show some respect

I blame the Deans' peanut bar costume freestyle rap, it was too real.

Yeah but The publicity from this season will get Adore more money from live shows and you know she's going to be on some sort of commercial during next season of drag race.

"My name's not mama its Bianca" That moment right there made Bianca my favortie

Yo, This past episode, Darienne called herself Jabba the hut,you can't be a Villian when the person your meanest to is yourself. Is she bitchy sometimes? Yeah but Im sorry, I thought this was a show about drag queens. But it's a sort of standard drag queen bitchiness. She's being edited to be a Villian but she can

Jon Hamm mentioned on Doug Loves Movies that he went to see Frozen and the Lego movie in the theather, in the middle of the day by himself. HOW DID NO ONE DIG DEEPER INTO THIS. Can you imagine working at a movie theather or playing hooky from work, seeing a movie in the middle of the day and Don Draper strolls in to

My ongoing saga with How Was Your Week continues, In a weird way Its becoming one of the podcasts I look forward to. Because I'm not sure if I'm going to be entertained by Julie's monologue or Enraged by her garbage opinions.This week it was the latter.Julie was talking about an overweight contestant on Rupaul Drag

There's a podcast called The podcast cast and they have an pretty extensive interview with Dustin Marshall about what happened at Earwolf,It had'nt something to do with advertising and censorship, I only listened to about 20 mins of it, its been on my iphone for about a year. I like Dustin Marshal and his work but

All I'm saying is Chimpanzee's rip off their opponents Penis and face so they can't rape them, there's a ton of awfulness going on there

I will never get tired of the inventive new ways Pardo proposes to Murder his co-hosts

So why was'nt this week's Sklarbro County in the Best section. Paul F Tompkins is on his millionth podcast and for the millionth time proves he's the best Podcast guest in history. i loved the story about a 19yr old breaking into a massage parlor and I would give a 1000 dollars to be able to sit in the backseat and

Oh no, Don fired Lane specifically because he cared for Lane. Lane committed a felony, put the new company at risk, and betrayed his friends all because he wanted to preserve this facade and this insane lie that he was living.:Lane could of asked for the money, pulled his son out of the insanely expensive boarding

I think under normal circumstances, theres no way in hell Don follows through on his contract clauses. But there are far from normal circumstances and Don is a man being fueled by spite and that's a very powerful emotion, especially for a guy like Don.

So being a barely functioning alcoholic,lazy and complacent in your career, absent father and Emotionally abusive husband qualifies as being "Leader of the World". I get what you're saying, there was some fun wish fulfillment in the earlier seasons, watching Don bang chicks and drink and smoke. But there's always been

As a character we get in small doses Betty is amazing. The writers ran into problems what to do with betty when she was in every episode but I really enjoy every scene we get with her now