
I read the article and you finished it with the kicker at the end...”President Ronald Reagan appointed Kozinski to the 9th Circuit Court in 1985, the Post notes.” Makes you think about Trump’s GOP quietly packing the courts in 2017.

I bet my entire annual income that he secretly gets off on plebs begging him for mercy and then killing them anyway.

I appreciated the dude going for the “you’ll be on your deathbed and happy that you voted no” reverse psychology angle. But in reality I’m a pessimist and I think underneath Jeff “thank you for your informed advocacy” Flake’s surface is that GOP demon muttering under his breath “you think I’ll be happy I voted no,

lmao “We won’t always agree” means he’s definitely voting for the bill.

Apparently it wasn’t about bigotry, but that is what it’s been painted as

Somebody clue me in here, because I am ignorant. The thing that was wrong with her original tweet was:

:-/ Thats disgusting. Bigoted views or not, thats not how to handle the situation where you think someone is wrong.

That was my thought too. Ten bucks says this guy is shooting blanks and knows it, but intended to build a little harem for himself under the guise of fruitfully multiplying.

I agree that $5mil is high for surrogacy, though I’m not sure the usual going rate would allow the father license to fuck the surrogate until she conceived which appears to be what he was hoping for.

Worse, because you’d never get paid. “Heck, let’s make it ten million!”

Men like this cling to religion because the only way they’ll ever procreate is if they trick women into believing it’s their duty.

Perhaps this shouldn’t be my takeaway, but what kind of mental case offers someone FIVE MILLION DOLLARS to be a surrogate? There are plenty of discreet, reputable services who can arrange the whole thing for about 1% of that. Literally insane.

I’m getting the distinct feeling that this guy was the stalky kind of harasser, and that any additional details that come out will be even creepier.

The sources said Franks approached two female staffers about acting as a potential surrogate for him and his wife, who has struggled with fertility issues for years. But the aides were concerned that Franks was asking to have sexual relations with them. It was not clear to the women whether he was asking about

More likely she sliced her hand when she tripped while she was chasing the Trentser with a butcher knife.

Of course his wife’s in the hospital, she had a heart attack when she found out her husband was repeatedly trying to fuck half his staff.

They can all burn.

Always and forever: