
Nope, the far right just sees this as more reason they need more guns. “oh not enough cops, see more evidence I need to protect myself because big govment cant! let me stuff those stockings full of hallow points this xmas santa bringing me an AR-15!”

Good. I hope he wins enough money to retire comfortably.

Relatable content.

I have never used an acne wash that did not leave a purge-inducing, crusty-skin-making film on my face.

This is simultaneously weird, funny, and satisfying

SO much of this article bothers me. He is getting harassed for having PTSD and being unable to work? His medical expenses have gone up FIVE TIME?! And you end with someone else being let go before being eligible for a pension?!

Anecdotal evidence: when I switched to Ivory as a teenager, my acne cleared right up. This was after using a variety of face washes, pads, ointments, etc. claiming to fight acne. Idk, it might be magic.

I mean, I’m not a dude so grain of salt, but if any grown-ass man is going to have wet dreams I feel like it’s this particular grown-ass man. Like, he just personifies being horny AND not getting laid.

Good. Dead Americans don’t seem to motivate our leaders to do anything about gun violence, perhaps depleted police departments and depleted budgets (due to lawsuits) will motivate them to do something.

“Fartanhold” = teh lulz

in one instance, aide Bob Haueter allegedly told her that Farenthold had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about her

True story: Once everything about Spacey hit, I set a Google alert for Singer’s name, assuming it would only be a matter of time. I’ve been reading about his disgusting, criminal behavior for years, so I think I’m a bit consumed at this point in seeing him brought to justice.

I loved the inclusion of Mark Halperin. He’s such a bad person — he deserves all of this company!

I don’t—I don’t know if this story’s over yet.

Uh... Excuse me. I was told that there would be 14 year-olds here.

Directed by: Bryan Singer