
Was wondering when this name was going to show up.

About damn time.

I like that! “This is the captain speaking. We’ll be descending to below 10,000 feet for a short time to toss a grabber from the cabin. We’ll resume to cruising altitude shortly thereafter.”

i’m surprised he didn’t say that it happened on a Democrat’s watch...or....let everyone know that

Obviously someone hasn’t been to San Francisco during (time of year between November and July).

Trent Franks just released a statement about his resignation. It appears he approached two female staffers to act as a surrogate for a child.

What I’ll say for Andrew Jackson is at least he was one of the people he pandered to - self-made, poor, frontier. His policies made sense to better someone like himself. Trump’s policies also better someone like Trump’s self, rich, smug, silver-spoon. However, his success in his populist plea is still baffling. I

I’m against racial profiling and all crime solving strategies based on stereotyping.

In that same ceremony Trump called Pearl Harbor “a pretty wild scene” like it was some kind of ‘60s love-in orgy.

He’s even slurring his tweets now.

I’ve commented about this before, but if you want to understand the type of presidency Trump wants to have, you should take a look at Andrew Jackson, the former President that Trump seems to admire the most.

It’s “a date which will live in infamy”, in case anyone else noticed that misquote.

Reason 10,347 I would gladly never fly again if that were even remotely possible. Seriously dudes, don’t try me on a flight. I’m always a combo of incredibly anxious and intensely irritated, I will rip your arm off and beat you with it.

“I thought you were asleep” is worse because it means he knew you wouldn’t be OK with it, but was trying to do it sneakily anyway at a time when he thought you wouldn’t fight back. Fucking disgusting.

Is it wrong that I burst out laughing when I read his excuse? It was rueful laughter. Rueful and tired laughter.

These lowlife men better be very careful - I for one am looking forward to the next time some scumbag tries something.

So I have an airplane groping story.

getting kicked off the flight after you’ve landed at your destination really doesnt have the same impact as doing it midflight would..