
This, in a nutshell, is why the Republican party gets more batshit crazy every year and yet survives.

That’s because Comstock is one of the most vulnerable Republicans. She represents NoVa, where constituents are more engaged in DC and federal politics than your average politically-aware American. She barely re-won her district, even with the Trump sweep and iirc, Clinton actually won the vote total in her district. I

Exactly and thank you. Franken didn’t engage in work place harassment and assault, and he champions women. He denies some of the allegations, and I have no doubt that the R’s are playing us and finding women to do and say things that aren’t true.

I’m sad as one of his constituents, but that’s what you get for being a fucking creep Franken.

I mean, he’s not wrong though. That’s the point. And I don’t think he was trying to say, but they are doing it too, why am I in trouble!? We need to constantly and as vocally as possible, bring attention to the fact, irony and hypocrisy that Republicans DO NOT GIVE A FUCK what people do, as long as they are on the

George W. Bush was president for EIGHT YEARS. Guarantee he tried at least two of these. Would’ve been more, but the secret service guys got quicker.

Hey guys, sorry to thread-jump, but I just read at the WaPo that Al Franken is resigning. I am sad. I do not think that Franken should have stayed in office indefinitely, but I would have been happier if he had held out until some Republican offenders resigned.

I say he should go for it!

I’d read about this yesterday, and now after finally hearing the audio, I’m genuinely surprised he didn’t end up on the floor by the end of it. He sounded like he was beginning to have a stroke, especially as one side of his face was clearly not as in control of the jaw muscles as the other.

Trump seems to think that the US has its embassy in Tel Aviv because no one has considered having it in Jerusalem before. Like this is some brilliant idea that he just came up with, rather than that this is an option that was considered and is actively not done because it’s a terrible idea.

i think you’re onto something...

we should also see if we can analyze his gait

That was the first thing I noticed. It’s much larger and much sloppier than the signatures on executive orders from earlier this year.

Anybody else notice his signature is different? Something is definitely going on with president Dotard.