
I heard people of all stripes and varieties claim that once Trump was in office, the gravitas of the situation would make him straighten up and fly right.

Yeah, I agree. I was astonished and not a little chagrined when I heard people of all stripes and varieties claim that once Trump was in office, the gravitas of the situation would make him straighten up and fly right. No matter whom els this may have happened to, it was apparent that it would never happen to Trump.

I try to avoid swearing, but we are in some deep fucking shit now. I never thought trump would get elected, but if he did, this is exactly the kind of idiotic crap I knew he would pull. I don’t know how this is going to end, but my intuition says “not well.”

There is nothing funny about your family situation, but the picture you painted did indeed make me snort a little (don’t worry, I feel guilty).

Thank you. My teenage son may have his head in the clouds but he is a kind and decent person with a comprehensive vocabulary... He does not deserve comparison to Trump.

I have a 16 year old nephew with untreated bipolar disorder and a serious drug problem (already showing signs of being an alcoholic and he loves him some crack cocaine, just like his mom and Grandpa), and I would trust him with the button more than Trump.

#notallteenagers Donald’s self-absorption and irresponsibility goes way beyond typical teenage behavior.

For a long time I’ve felt Haley will be the one person who will survive this administration with a viable career. She is deft at flouting him just enough while maintaining her position. If you made a list of his people, everyone from De Vos to Hope Hicks to Ben Carson, in a Most Hated contest, I bet she’d rank very

 And the countdown to her resignation (followed immediately by trump bragging about how he fired her over this because he’s the boss) begins.  

For real, I only have a dinky narrow 4 ft tree and a door wreath and even I had to fight myself to put them up.

I didn’t know this was a job.

The problem is that she doesn’t have the basic life skills to either enroll in college or get a real job.

Not having to do all the dusting that inevitably occurs after you’ve finally managed to get everything all stored away again—that would be a true Christmas miracle as far as I’m concerned. The post-Christmas dusting of fake pine needles and glitter is always both depressing and incredibly grimy.

Same. I’m not going to hate on her decorations that aren’t to my taste (her house, her tree) but having someone come in and turn your house into your dream winter wonderland? Sounds far better than my visits to TJ Maxx debating what $15 piece of decor would get the most oomph out of my meager budget.

Always regret clicking any links about Lindsay Lohan. It’s never ‘enrolled in college ‘ or ‘has decided to take a quiet, normal person job’. Instead it’s pretty much always weird or depressing.

Yeah I thought of Johnson too.

Can I tell you why I find him annoying? He’s not talented. His voice sounds like any dude. And his songs suck. Also, bc I have an 18 month old I watch the “Two Different Worlds” clip where Ed sings with the Sesame Street Muppets on a daily basis. He doesn’t have fun with it and totally phones it in (though he looks

He’s in the same league as Jack Johnson for me music-wise; I hear it on the radio, but don’t really pay attention to it. My dislike is purely superficial - what’s with the comb forward?

Those Christmas decorations. Not to my taste. Almost certainly overpriced. However, I would definitely shell out for someone to take down and put away my decorations come January, so...fair enough, Kylie.