
Just wanna reiterate that he didn’t give Israel control over anything - Israel has already declared Jerusalem its capital. This is a symbolic move, but carries a huge amount of diplomatic weight.

Exactly. Jeezus. 64% of $34,000. and you’re denying him that? Seriously? If you believe he has “issues”, wouldn’t it be best to allow him continued health benefits- mental and physical - considering he gave almost a decade of his life to public service? At this rate the whole country is going to be covered with

I think it honestly depends on the union? My ex is a cop, granted not with this agency but there were mechanisms in place to remove someone who was considered an immediate danger beyond parking them at a desk. Most of the cops in his agency viewed this move as equivalent to a suspension, which at least there carried a

That quote is some dirty fucking pool.

You would think that they would want to publicly stand by someone who had been through that. It’s a terrible way to treat someone who saw things that would give any sane person nightmares

“The facts as we know them have caused me as an administrator to be concerned for the health and safety of the citizens and those passing through the town. Most of that is confidential, so I won’t be able to say anything about that.”

Literally all I know about him is that he wanted to shoot some “female senators” for not voting for the worst healthcare bill they could shit out, and now this mess.

This is an incredibly reckless move. Even more so than taunting Kim on Twitter. No good will come of it - it may even end up going down as Trump’s biggest mistake.

Honestly, he’s probably banking on a theory that “Muslims will be mad about this and will attack us in retaliation” - so that he and his dipshit followers can be proven “right” about “them” and oh hey look over here while we ban and incarcerate people based on their religion...

Agreed. He got something else for us to talk about. That’s always his goal whenever Stupid Watergate heats up.

David Duke is conflicted. On one hand recognizing Jerusalem pisses off all the Palestinians and Muslims, yet on the other hand it makes Jews happy.

He does get something out of it: chaos. Trump is not happy unless everything around him is chaotic. Everyone around him says so. Which is why he wants to watch the world burn (Bannon, too.)

What kind of a dumb motherfucker gives Israel control over Jerusalem without getting something in return? Art of the motherfuckin’ deal, amirite!?

So you think it’s just dry mouth from the dexedrine injections?

That’s fucked up - it’s not just dry mouth. Something is more wrong than usual with the Dotard.

I just realized I wasn’t terribly clear: I’m celebrating because he may have had a stroke. Am I a terrible person for celebrating....early? Before I know for sure?

It’s happening!!!!!!