
So simple; so perfect.


Unfortunately, he reads nothing but fast food menus. Maybe if you put his picture on the cover, which would be so appropriate anyway.

I think the male officer is just trying to say “My wife and close friends and family do not have police brutality problems, so why would trans people?”

I am sad that Luther felt uncomfortable with himself for even one second. The thing is, though: most fans knew he was gay. When I ran across people who didn’t know and swore up and down he wasn’t, I always thought they were nuts and blind. We knew, and we didn’t care because normal people don’t care about that stuff.

“My wife” must be some sort of comprehensive news service that beams statistical information directly into his brain. Or he’s a bloviating narcissist who doesn’t know how words work. One of the two.

I’m confused - is the wife of the questioning officer trans? If not, then what’s his point? “Trans people are subjected to police violence” - “well, my wife has never mentioned it to me”. Which, if she is, then it seems odd he would be “questioning” the state in a WMP way?

Seems perfect as a fundraiser for a non-profit, especially with the holidays coming up. Hopefully someone makes it happen.

If I had a few extra hundred dollhairs I would buy STACKS of these and hand them out to all of the women I know. So the next time, some mother fucker on the subway, or sidewalk, or street, or bar, tells them to smile they can offer them this book.

Looks like Boy George, sings like Michael Bolton.

A million copies for the Oval Office, STAT!

Comparing Sam Smith to Luther Vandross is absolutely insane. Sam Smith isn’t even that good of a singer. I hate the fact that he’s what passes for R&B now. His maudlin, whiny tunes are strictly adult contemporary.

Please tell me we can actually buy copies of that book.

I should give some copies of this book to some men I know.

They should actually print this and hand it out in Congress, Alabama and in Evangelical churches. Ah fuck it, hand it out everywhere.

He’s kinda reminding me of Jeremy Renner there. I’m not a fan.

Bobby, what am I supposed to be looking at with the McAvoy picture? Please excuse me if it turns out to be obvious and I haz the dumb.

I’m split on which McAvoy looks better.