
Yeah, why can’t they’re be more women of principle like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.

You got banned from Facebook for saying “Men are trash”? That’s ridiculous. That’s the mildest way to put such a sentiment. I’m sorry Facebook is trash.

I don’t get how Trump can dictate hat another sovereign nation calls its OWN GODDAMN CAPITAL CITY!!! It’s like if Trump decided to simply call Mar A Lago The Winter White Ho.u.... scratch that, as if he called the BedminsterGolf Club in NJ The summmer White H.......shit

Roy Moore blocked Doug Jones on twitter. This man, who is applying for a job where he will need to represent an entire state and her citizens, blocked his opponent on twitter.

I said it elsewhere but I’m thinking after interviewing Snowden and upsetting coal barons, John Oliver’s got enough experience to go through with this. This stuff has to be small time for him at this point.

Yeah and he could just own up to it too.

He even has a third option. There’s a legal remedy when you feel people’s false speech about you has harmed your reputation. It’s suing someone for defamation. I notice that Hoffman has chosen not to seek that remedy.

“You have indicted me. … That’s not innocent until proven guilty.”

To be fair, I think Oliver would be the first to admit that “awkward” is where he is most at home.

But if you look at the history of humanity, change has always been created by people meekly and politely asking for it, then waiting patiently for the powerful to see the error of their ways! It’s always worked!

I saw an article on BuzzFeed with reactions from the people who were there, and many were like “what a bummer, why did Oliver have to change the subject/make everyone uncomfortable/forget he was there to discuss the film?” or “this is not the time or the place to put Hoffmann in that situation!” Those are probably the

I adore John Oliver.

We just need John Oliver to host future Presidential debates.

I nominate John Oliver and Trevor Noah to tag-team.

If only the USA has an equivalent of Prime Minister’s Questions every week....

I’m glad John Oliver didn’t let it go.

The tweet storm would be EPIC

I want someone to grill Trump like this so bad. I know he will just blumble and flumble but I still want someone to sit down and hold him accountable for every shitty stupid thing he’s ever done, said or tweeted.