
“Katy Perry has been trying to buy a Los Angeles convent (maybe to live in??), only to be foiled repeatedly by a restaurant owner”

And the nuns, I am assuming, got nothing. As usual.

Bryan Singer fired! We all know what’s coming next, right?

I was standing right next to a woman at a Norman Rockwell exhibit, like shoulders an inch apart. I turned, did a highly embarrassing inhaled *yip* when I realized it was Isabella Rossellini. She quickly moved away and I usually pride myself in playing it cool. You came across much cooler.

I’ve done the same! With Jonathan Groff, who smiled back nicely. Probably happens a lot.

Whenever I see a celebrity, in mind because I recognize them, my first thought is always, “oh it’s a friend of mine...”
Anyway, one time I was walking down the street and when I looked up I saw Blake Lively walking straight towards me. Recognizing her, my eyes lit up and I instinctively said, “oh, hey...!”
But as I was

Blake Lively hurt her hand! She did it on the set of The Rhythm Section! A movie about a woman “seeking revenge

It was always a long shot. Alabama is arguably the reddest state in the union, at worst maybe tied with Oklahoma. Electing a pro-choice Democrat would have been an earthquake.

“They don’t know your land, and truly, they don’t care for your land like you do,” Trump said...”

Pretty sure that happened in Aspen. And while there’s certainly some beautiful nature in the Aspen area, he’d have to go more than 5 miles away from a Gucci to get there, so I assume no, he wasn’t in wilderness. He was simply at a ski resort.

You know, I’m known amongst my friends for being goofily optimistic. Lately though, I’ve been thinking everything is terrible, just burn it all to the ground, I’m done.

the day the first allegations came out I said “anyone who doesn’t think Moore is the favorite after this is kidding themselves” and I’ve stood by that ever since

Let’s be honest, does anyone actually expect Moore to lose?

Does anyone think Trump has ever been to the wilderness and wondered at the beauty of nature? If he’s ever outside the city, he’s somewhere which is, or will shortly be ruined to become, a golf course.

You’ve seen pictures of the tacky, gaudy shithole that is DonaldTrump’s NYC apartment; the one that he’s so proud of? Do you think he’s capable of knowing what beauty is?

Ugh I HATE HIM. And I half hate myself for the fact that he got under my skin the same way my little brother used to; by being a sore fucking “winner” and never shutting his goddamn mouth.

Fuck this fucking fucker. At this point I want to be surprised, because a surprise will mean something positive has happened, as opposed to “Trump and his goons have taken yet another step towards torpedoing America for their own personal benefits and vendettas, and at what moment do we reach the point of no return”?

Accused child molester Roy Moore is back in the lead. Of course.

Does anyone think Trump has ever been to the wilderness and wondered at the beauty of nature? If he’s ever outside the city, he’s somewhere which is, or will shortly be ruined to become, a golf course.