
Ding Ding Ding! I sure as hell didn’t vote for that inbred sack of fecal matter, but thanks to him my union rights were taken away, I took a pay cut, and my taxes went up. Fuck him and this whole damn state. We’re making plans to move elsewhere.

What could possibly go wro...ugh I can’t even finish my own sarcastic retort.

Where I live you can do this with fishing licenses. I could get my two year old a license (free) and as long as he’s in the boat with me catch double the limit I could otherwise. I wouldn’t do it since it seems sleazy, but it would be 100% legal. 

Duh, this is why you can’t get abortions. They want to make sure you don’t miss out on the pleasure of placing an M48 Liberty in your freshly-birthed infant’s still-moist hands.

Deer overpopulation is definitely a problem, but the solution is increasing the limits, not putting rifles in the hands of five year olds.

I spent a good chunk of my adolescence in NH, where the opening of hunting season was an actual no school holiday (I think it was the day you could use regular guns, not just muzzle loaders, or bows). There was a reasonable age limit & EVERYONE took a hunter safety class. These people are idiots.

Ha. My Dad dragged me to the town cove to dig oysters on my own permit so we could get two bushels instead of one. But I dug my own and shucked most of them too. One for the chowder, one for my belly. Those were the days.

The first time I gave them a pass because any state can fuck up and put a shitbag in office.

There’s nothing unusual about kids going hunting with their parents. Millions do it every year. I first went out when I was 12.

When they elected Walker?

Seriously! And they don’t even get to drink either:/

People (around here anyway) used to love the idea of moving there. Oh wait, those people had “summer homes” up there already.

My son when 4 accidently gave me concussion with one of those clubs, it bloody hurt!!!

We truly are doomed.

Yup. My parents used to get all the kids clam digging permits every year knowing for damn sure we weren’t digging up any clams.

That’s the thing that really grinds my gears. The story that you always, always hear from these guys is that they aren’t unreasonable, or bad people. They’re just self-reliant, good people who want to be free of busybody outsiders who don’t understand their lives and don’t know their problems telling them what to do this real? You can kill but you can’t vote?

And here I was telling my husband last night that buying our 18 month old one of those plastic, Little Tykes, golf club sets was the stupidest thing we could get him.

At what point did Wisconsin just give up?

Taking a deer under someone else’s license is poaching.