
Margaritaville may indeed be hiding something, but they’re not what New Yorkers should really be worried about. The truly horrifying news is that Carl’s Jr. is coming.

Nice try Margaritaville but you’ll never be Mars 2112 (RIP)

Question: with how much irony would I frequent this restaurant? 0% 100%? Honestly don’t know, but I’m going.

Well, it’s obviously the shaker of salt.

But will Pete Wells give it a review a la Guy Fieri’s Times Square resto?

Yeah I am weirdly impressed by her. Wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to push her into an active volcano, but impressed nonetheless.

And yet, somehow, he’s only the third dumbest Trump.

I had my Russian/Canadian husband guess. After his first guess of a portrait of Trump himself, he got it. I’m still unsure how anyone can justify him putting that portrait up.

Bonus points for anyone that happens to know who’s portrait adorns this particular room and perhaps was hanging right behind Donald Trump’s big dumb fucking head

I think installing Sanders as spokesperson may be Trump’s most actually legitimately genius move. She is such a clod, her whole manner is so insultingly dumb, she says such infuriatingly awful things, all the time, but because she’s a woman, and because she stays deadly calm while spinning Trump’s lies she doesn’t

Eric Trump, pretty much living up to his SNL image as a dullard.

As someone who was a victim services worker I can tell you that women of all ages, sizes, shapes, sexualities, gender presentations, and levels of attractiveness experience violence. Your friend sounds like an asshole.

I’ve seen a lot of feminists use the fact beauty privilege/ patriarchal beauty standards exist as an excuse to slut-shame and victim-blame women, or to shut down conversations about misogyny. With the Harvey situation there are also so-called liberal women trying to justify repeatedly saying all the pretty women in

I have a good friend with whom I’m really struggling. She is a self-described feminist, but keeps wanting to bring up the recent harassment news. Her theory is that only attractive women get harassed and it’s part of the price you pay for having more “value” on the dating market. (I should add that this friend

This is why I idolize characters because they can never do wrong! Jessica Fletcher is still alive and well! She’s helped a few victims of sexual assault in her time on network television; and it was always with compassion.

Did anyone else ever think that Cabot Cove must have had a per capita murder rate of something like 1 out of every 2 citizens?

Armie Hammer deleted his Twitter because he hated a Buzzfeed piece about him.