
You’re either one of the greatest trolls ever, or you’re an abominable human being.

Username does not check out

Yeah. I started listening to NPR about a year ago and I’ve noticed they, for whatever reason, have had numerous profiles on these racist pieces of shit. One of the excuses was that ‘they arent going away anytime soon.’ Right. Because they keep getting featured in the news which fuels their ego. They also ran a profile

This is a fine example of “whataboutism”. You’re claiming how unfair it is that American Nazis are judged by Hitler and the Third the American Nazis glorify Hitler and the Third Reich, and then claim Keith Ellison “wants the same thing” as American Nazis want.

Serious question, no snark: what is it like to never be able to satisfy a woman?

Hahaha you defend nazis and then get upset when someone calls you a nazi? Fuck you

Except for the places in the article where Hovater is quoted explicitly calling for the extermination of Jewish people.

Fuck you

Fuck you

You’re a white supremacist fuck. Fuck off.

Yeah, when it came to Mike Brown, he was “no angel,” but actual nazis get sympathetic profiles. I don’t think NYT actually understands how much it promotes and covers for white privilege, but it sure would be nice if they would publish humanizing profiles on people who AREN’T white.

Fuck off with that noise. We know who you are.

As a normal everyday white person, shut the fuck up. Frankly my grandfather didn’t spend WWII killing Nazis so they could invade this country while no one seemed to pay attention. Their ideas are sick and their morals twisted, and people defending them are just as bad. And no, I am not offended by the deluge of

You imagine insults because you neo-Nazi cretins need to feel like victims. None of you have ever really experience the status of a minority, but you need to be martyrs to make your sick ideology function. It’s a distortion of reality and tantamount to cowardice.

I’m teaching my daughter Dalton’s Third Rule: Be nice until it’s time to not be nice. And also how to snap a good jab and a good left hook to the liver.

It was never about workers’ rights. It’s almost like they didn’t want people to know what they were up to!

Seriously...I have a lot of laugh gifs I want to post right now.

I strongly recommend some serious martial arts training. Second dan. Every second dan is terrifying.

I hope someone at Splinter is taking a look at the failed swipe Project Veritas took at WaPo regarding Roy Moore.

I’m glad I just had a daughter. All this good news about Nazis, pussy grabbing presidents and the fact apparently 8 out of 10 men are in the news for sexual harassment, I’m so hopeful for the world she’ll grow up in.