
Of course it was impossible for that orange bozo to shut up and respect the honorees by actually making it about them.

To him we’re all the same!

Oh man her makeup is getting veryyyy heavy. It’s almost like they want to cover up anything that points to all of the blatant lies and slurs she keeps throwing around....

SAME - I was calming down in life. I was finally like “HEY LIFE IS GREAT!”

I didn’t want to go all ad hominem on that shit, but I was thinking the same thing. Between the OAN network level of smokey eye and the crazy contouring, she needs an intervention.

Congratulations America! You’ve beaten any other nation I could think of right now on being the first modern nation to elect a toddler as a ruler!

Pocahontas wasn’t Navajo. She wasn’t Cherokee, either. Warren wasn’t present. It would have been the easiest thing in the world not to mention either woman, but apparently that’s beyond Trump.

Trump’s administration never has any sort of actual answer for their terrible behavior. All they have is deflection to the (possible) wrongdoing of others. It was called “whataboutism” when it was Soviet/Russian propaganda.

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

Fuuuuuuck, nothing is surprising anymore, the entire administration is fucking garbage INCLUDING Sarah’s makeup person because that contouring is way too fucking intense, this is not an E! reality show for the love of fucking god.

I’m sure Trump would find nothing offensive about the two hypothetical examples you bring up.

It’s called “Whataboutism” and it’s a much used deflection tool in this administration.

I’m an aggressive person by nature but I’ve really tried to chill the fuck out these past five years and this administration is making me want to fucking hit things daily.

OHH just burn everything with fire.

In today’s White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president’s comments, arguing that “Pocahontas” is not a racial slur and that the president’s comments were not disrespectful to the men being honored. “Why did he feel the need to say something offensive to many people?” one reporter

I’m fairly convinced that they will end up in some dacha by the Caspian Sea.

Anyone who faked enthusiasm would be caught immediately as a pretender. Melania’s antipathy is part of why she’s convincing; no one really likes Trump so anyone who claims to is instantly suspicious.

I would hope putin would send a spy good enough to fake enthusiasm. Not that I would be surprised if someone told me that being around the flaxen fart trumpet donny for even one night was enough to crack even the facade of Mata Hari.

Can we have one fucking thing from this administration that isn’t completely terrible or completely absurd?