
What’s worse is 3) this jackass managing to survive and go on to loudly talk about how the curvature of the earth that he saw was actually the ‘Antarctic Ice Ring.’

I don’t think Jerry Brown is going to stop him. He’s got more important stuff to do, like holding up our end of the Paris Climate Accords all by himself.

My God, I hadn’t even considered that aspect of it. Do you think he thinks the views out the window are projections?

At least he’s not a self-taught surgeon.

We’ve been doing this since 2016. We literally took a vote on it. Catch up.

He could just drive his car up a hill. Shit he could probably walk that high.

Self taught rocket scientist who doesn’t believe in science builds rocket to prove earth is flat and spite billionaires.

A strong contender for a Darwin Award!

Antarctica is a ring that encloses the rest of the world. No one has ever landed on the inner part of the Antarctic ring, traversed outward to the edge of the world, and returned back to the center continents. All of the scientists who claim to have gone to the research stations near the South Pole are liars. Jesus

So it’s Game of Thrones? Forget the airplanes, we just need regenerated dragons.

Yeah this is a Darwin awards in the making.

So I know that 1,800 feet is high enough to efficiently terminate him upon “landing,” but is it high enough that he’ll know he was wrong before he dies? Asking for a friend.

Man attempts to disprove science with homemade rocket. Confirms theory of gravity in process.

One less Republican in California.

I think they believe there’s some kind of portal at the edge that whooshes you back to the other edge. Seriously.

According to them Antarctica is the edge and it’s an impassable ice wall. I’m not sure why a plane can’t just fly over it.

On the bright side, some limo driver is going to get more work.

I heard a great point to counter these fools - sorry, but I can’t remember the source. Essentially it was to ask them why nobody’s been to the edge? Wouldn’t that be a cool place to visit? Not to mention providing the obvious “proof”.

Hmmm... $20,000 for a rocket to go 1800 feet, or $300 for a short distance commercial flight with a window seat at 39,000 feet.

One can only hope...there are already too many stupid people. One less isn’t a bad thing.