
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?

Really, Moore supporters aren’t known for being world travelers. Just maybe to Biloxi or Orange Beach for an occasional vacay. Disney — once — when their kids are young enough to enjoy it but not old enough to understand what “gay” means.

There is something deeply unsettling about that picture. It’s bringing back flashbacks of when my sister wanted to see how many clothespins she could get to stick on my face so she sat on me and started clipping them on.

Uh, what border war are they fighting in Alabama? Mississippi, Georgia? Oh oh it’s gotta be Tennessee.

I wish I would be able to enjoy the surprise in store for those shitheels when Brietbart, Infowars or whatever 4chan cesspool they inhabit’s load time slows to a crawl but I’ll be too busy waiting for my porn. How dare they mess with our porn!

He sometimes goes with “really”. But whether it’s “very” or “really”, it’s always repeated two or three times.

They needed to get him relaxed first. Probably over a nice game of Solitaire.

When life gives you lemons you petition ISPs to block Stormfront.

“Trump added that Moore was better than Democrat Doug Jones who is “bad on crime, bad on borders”

And an adverb beyond “very”.

Surely Melania can charge it on the credit card that is the key to their marriage.

  • Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), announced that the FCC will vote on a proposal to overturn what he described as the “heavy-handed, utility-style” net neutrality rules of the Obama administration. According to the Washington Post, Pai’s proposal would “give Internet providers broad

“Women are very special. I think it’s a very special time because a lot of things are coming out, and I think that’s good for our society, and I think it’s very, very good for women. And I’m very happy a lot of these things are coming out, and I’m very happy it’s being exposed.”

In fairness to Trump, he (and definitely Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III) probably considers the prosecution of Klansmen who killed small black girls to be too heavy-handed and a miscarriage of justice, because, you know, there were bad people on both sides.

“Moore was better than Democrat Doug Jones who is “bad on crime, bad on borders, bad with the military, bad for the Second Amendment.””
It’s like someone sat him down and forced him to memorize a list of generic Republican talking points and buzzwords.

aka Mike Pence

Yep. It’s now more of a surprise when they aren’t doing the thing that they campaign against.

I find that the stronger someone’s convictions are about being anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-anything, the more likely they are of engaging in the activity that they are railing against. Against homosexuality? Most likely that person is gay. Care so much about children? Probably voted against every bill that benefits