
*slow clapping intensifies*

That is the truth.

Go ahead and mock it all you want, but those of who saw the Bowling Green massacre happen will never forget the horror of that day:

I’d like to live in Malibu in a Joni Mitchell style. Plan B is living in Malibu Jim Rockford style.

Speaking of the music industry, every time I hear that Kesha song “Praying,” I think shit, that poor girl was out there all on her own in 2014 when she accused (not) Dr. Luke of sexual assault and she had to go it alone and lost money, time and a chunk of her career. Although I am a sucker for overwrought ballads, I


But just imagine the section he would’ve dedicated to Steve Bannon alone.

The reporters in the WHPB should have all ignored her fucking question about what they’re grateful for, since it took up time when they could have been ASKING SOME REAL GODDAMN QUESTIONS. Why the fuck do these people humor this nasty woman-shaped bag of garbage???

“Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems, in general, like an extremely fun and chill person to go to work with every day! I am being sarcastic! [Talking Points Memo]”

I’m weirdly fascinated by this story lol. Rich people brawling over lawn clippings? It’s so the epitome of upper class absurdity that it should be satire.

Hahahaha! I needed that, excellent, way better. I’m picturing a lawn mower with angry eyebrows.

You’re kind. I was rooting for team “homicidal, sentient lawnmower.”

And his mom has trolled the crap out of Trump...

After reading about the douche-off between Rand Paul and his neighbor, I’m firmly team grass clippings.

GQ went to Bowling Green and didn’t even stop to pay tribute to the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre! Fucking liberal media.

Meanwhile Marshawn Lynch is somewhere not giving a f*ck what Donald Trump thinks about him.

I agree. It is like all of the people getting upset about the word pussy, but not about Trump bragging about sexual assault.