
Are men just...allergic to giving good apologies?

So, he’s blaming this on alcoholism? Jeezus.

Okay already, we all threw Franken overboard the second these allegations come up. If you want him to resign, fine. He should resign. Just realize that if we let Franken go, without, at the same time, taking down Trump for his, at the very least, equal offenses, we will never take Trump, down and his accusers will be

He should. But I think there is a shitload of this stuff among Congressmen about to break in the news and they’re all probably worried about creating a precedent that this is resign-worthy. I think it’s something that a lot of these assholes are about to face and they don’t want to go overboard in their faux-outrage.

I am certain he doesn’t remember this particular photo. I don’t specifically remember every photo I’ve taken, and I haven’t taken nearly as many as a celebrity and Senator like Franken.

I believe he did it and I also believe he doesn’t remember it. Our culture allows and excuses this kind of behavior. To be honest, I don’t think I can recall every time a stranger has grabbed my ass (but a celebrity has never done it so maybe I’d remember that). It’s not excusable, it’s uncomfortable at best. But it’s

He’s such an angry fucker. His entire rant is too long and wordy to be excused as “thoughtless”. So any apology he makes (if at all) will be bullshit.

I hope that this puts the final knife into his flailing-for-years tour. Last time he toured lots of dates had to cancelled due to lack of interest.

Public service announcement:

First, though I know it’s useless, I have to say how sorry I am that you and your husband are going through this.

Oh my God. I’m so so so sorry you’re going through this. This right here should only happen when we’re old and have lived long, full lives. My heart is breaking for you.

I have no answers for you, but I am so sorry you both are going through this.

This is going to be a bummer, sorry, but I need help.

You’re being waaaaay too harsh on that dude, comparing him to the blindingly white trash can fire that is Dunham.

She’s such a racist trashcan.

My husband is a librarian and the stories he tells about patrons are the worst. Flat earthers who want to host public programs at the library and don’t understand FOR YEARS why the library is not interested, parents who run up hundreds of dollars in fines on their infant children’s accounts and of course this is

My first thought on seeing the Lena headlines was that the victim is probably a woman of color. I had to trawl through the Daily Mail piece to find out I was right. Lena Durnham could not be more predictable if she tried.

I’m not surprised that Lena Dunham decided to defend a rapist. Lena is just an asshole. I’m glad Asia Argento called her out on the bullshit.